Academic support for students with special needs

The Board of each Department designates an Academic support staff (which is a faculty member or 
a Special Scientist) and its main objective is to coordinate and monitor the support provided  
to the students who receive accomodations due to learning disabilities or health issues and 
belong in their Department.

They are informed confidentially by the Center of Student Development for the students who 
receive accomoddations in their Department.
Monitors the implementation of the accomodations as determined by the Center of Student 
Development within the framework of the Support regulations.

They are in close colaboration with the Center of Student Development to find solutions for 
various administrative, technical or other problems, difficulties that may arise in the academic 
course of the students who receive accomodations.

Collaborates with the students' Academic professors to seek solutions to any academic problems 
that may arise.


Academic support for students with special needs

The Board of each Department designates an Academic support staff (which is a faculty member or 
a Special Scientist) and its main objective is to coordinate and monitor the support provided  
to the students who receive accomodations due to learning disabilities or health issues and 
belong in their Department.

They are informed confidentially by the Center of Student Development for the students who 
receive accomoddations in their Department.
Monitors the implementation of the accomodations as determined by the Center of Student 
Development within the framework of the Support regulations.

They are in close colaboration with the Center of Student Development to find solutions for 
various administrative, technical or other problems, difficulties that may arise in the academic 
course of the students who receive accomodations.

Collaborates with the students' Academic professors to seek solutions to any academic problems 
that may arise.