Women in Science Dr. Rodanthe-Elisabeth Mamouris

On the occasion of the World Day for Women in Science, the Cyprus University of Technology, with a view to encouraging women and girls towards engaging in science, presents women scientists being employed at the University and devoted to their research activities.

Researcher Rodanthe-Elizabeth Mamouris graduated from the School of Physics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and then completed her postgraduate studies in Environmental Physics. She completed her doctoral thesis at the Laser and Applications Laboratory of the National (Metsovian) Technical University of Athens. In 2009 she has been qualified as Doctor of Atmospheric Physics and Laser Applications specializing in Atmospheric Remote Sensing. Since 2012, she belongs to the workforce of the CUT, being in charge of the Atmospheric Remote Sensing Laboratory of the ERATOSTHENIS Research Center of the School of Engineering and Technology of the Cyprus University of Technology.

She has published 41 articles in recognized international scientific journals and participated in more than 100 international conferences.


Dr. Rodanthe-Elizabeth Mamouris has a long and significant experience both in international and European research programmes. She has participated in more than 22 research projects dealing with remote sensing applications, calibration / evaluation of satellite observations, monitoring of particulate pollution etc. She collaborates with leading international institutes such as the Athens National Observatory and the Troposphere Research Institute of Germany ( TROPOS ), participating in joint international experimental campaigns ( SALTRACE , A - LIFE , Cy - CARE ) , publishing scientific articles and writing proposals to attract funding . She is a member of the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network, ( EARLINET ) and the European Research Infrastructure for the observation of Particles, Clouds, and Trace gases. ( ACTRIS ) as head of the station of Terrestrial Atmospheric Remote Sensing in Cyprus (CUT).


Dr. Rodanthe-Elizabeth Mamouris specializes in Atmospheric Remote Sensing, focusing her research on the scientific fields of atmospheric pollution, characterization and separation of suspended particles, study of desert dust, understanding of atmospheric interaction processes of particles, clouds and their contribution to the formation of rain, climate change, optimization of predictive models etc.

She is currently concentrated in new methodologies of synergy of satellite and terrestrial observations of remote sensing, for a reliable and comprehensive study of the atmosphere. More specifically, she is concerned with the development of new methods for the exlploitation of radiation polarization data to separate the various types of atmospheric suspended particles (smoke, anthropogenic pollution, marine particles) and segregated dust particles of different sizes as well as their contribution to cloud formation and rainfall.

For her recent scientific work entitled " New ways to use polarization lidars: Separation of fine-mode and coarse-mode dust and estimation of cloud-relevant aerosol parameters", she has been awarded the Inaba Prize, which constitutes an international recognition in the field of Atmospheric Remote Sensing and is being awarded by the Working Team of the International Coordination Group for Atmospheric Studies ½ ICLAS ).

Since October 2016, she also participates, in the Cyprus Cloud Aerosol and Rain Experiments ( CY-CARE ), which is a global novelty in the study of the effect of suspended particles on cloud formation and rainfall as well as on the climate change.

Σχετικοί Σύνδεσμοι

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BalkanMed INNOVA Balkan-Mediterranean Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Το ΤΕΠΑΚ ανακοινώνει με θλίψη τον θάνατο του πρώην Καθηγητή Ιωάννη Παπαδόπουλου

Το ΤΕΠΑΚ ανακοινώνει με θλίψη τον θάνατο του πρώην Καθηγητή Ιωάννη Παπαδόπουλου

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Διάλεξη με τίτλο «Κυκλική Οικονομία: προκλήσεις και προοπτικές»

Διάλεξη με τίτλο «Κυκλική Οικονομία: προκλήσεις και προοπτικές»

On the occasion of the World Day for Women in Science, the Cyprus University of Technology, with a view to encouraging women and girls towards engaging in science, presents women scientists being employed at the University and devoted to their research activities.

Researcher Rodanthe-Elizabeth Mamouris graduated from the School of Physics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and then completed her postgraduate studies in Environmental Physics. She completed her doctoral thesis at the Laser and Applications Laboratory of the National (Metsovian) Technical University of Athens. In 2009 she has been qualified as Doctor of Atmospheric Physics and Laser Applications specializing in Atmospheric Remote Sensing. Since 2012, she belongs to the workforce of the CUT, being in charge of the Atmospheric Remote Sensing Laboratory of the ERATOSTHENIS Research Center of the School of Engineering and Technology of the Cyprus University of Technology.

She has published 41 articles in recognized international scientific journals and participated in more than 100 international conferences.


Dr. Rodanthe-Elizabeth Mamouris has a long and significant experience both in international and European research programmes. She has participated in more than 22 research projects dealing with remote sensing applications, calibration / evaluation of satellite observations, monitoring of particulate pollution etc. She collaborates with leading international institutes such as the Athens National Observatory and the Troposphere Research Institute of Germany ( TROPOS ), participating in joint international experimental campaigns ( SALTRACE , A - LIFE , Cy - CARE ) , publishing scientific articles and writing proposals to attract funding . She is a member of the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network, ( EARLINET ) and the European Research Infrastructure for the observation of Particles, Clouds, and Trace gases. ( ACTRIS ) as head of the station of Terrestrial Atmospheric Remote Sensing in Cyprus (CUT).


Dr. Rodanthe-Elizabeth Mamouris specializes in Atmospheric Remote Sensing, focusing her research on the scientific fields of atmospheric pollution, characterization and separation of suspended particles, study of desert dust, understanding of atmospheric interaction processes of particles, clouds and their contribution to the formation of rain, climate change, optimization of predictive models etc.

She is currently concentrated in new methodologies of synergy of satellite and terrestrial observations of remote sensing, for a reliable and comprehensive study of the atmosphere. More specifically, she is concerned with the development of new methods for the exlploitation of radiation polarization data to separate the various types of atmospheric suspended particles (smoke, anthropogenic pollution, marine particles) and segregated dust particles of different sizes as well as their contribution to cloud formation and rainfall.

For her recent scientific work entitled " New ways to use polarization lidars: Separation of fine-mode and coarse-mode dust and estimation of cloud-relevant aerosol parameters", she has been awarded the Inaba Prize, which constitutes an international recognition in the field of Atmospheric Remote Sensing and is being awarded by the Working Team of the International Coordination Group for Atmospheric Studies ½ ICLAS ).

Since October 2016, she also participates, in the Cyprus Cloud Aerosol and Rain Experiments ( CY-CARE ), which is a global novelty in the study of the effect of suspended particles on cloud formation and rainfall as well as on the climate change.