Exams exemptions ICS to the Department of Commerce, Finance and Shipping


The Department of Commerce, Finance and Shipping in the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Cyprus University of Technology has achieved the maximum exam exemptions for its BSc and MSc graduates from the Professional Qualification Examination (PQE) of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS).

Specifically, the graduates of the BSc programs: Commerce, Finance and Shipping and the graduates of the MSc programs: Shipping and Finance and Shipping and Business will be exempted from the exams of the modules: Introduction to Shipping, Economics of Sea Transport and International Trade, as well as they will have the option to choose the third exemption amongst a number of modules such as: Shipping Finance, Ship Operations and Management, and Port and Terminal Management, which are part of the PQE qualification of ICS.

These exam exemptions have already been approved by the ICS. The Cyprus University of Technology may be the only Greek-speaking university and one of the few universities globally that receives such a large number of exemptions. This international accreditation recognizes the high quality of research-led teaching conducted in the above BSc and MSc programs, as also recognizes the high relevance of their curriculum with the industry’s needs.

The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers represents all aspects of the shipping business and amongst its members are not only shipbrokers but also shipowners, charterers, agents, forwarders and other shipping professionals.

It is dedicated to setting and maintaining the highest standards in international transport and shipping business. Individual professional membership of the Institute is gained by candidates passing the Professional Qualifying Examinations. Promotion to Fellowship permits a person to be described as a Chartered Shipbroker and is granted to those of seniority and influence in the shipping world and international transport.

Exams exemptions ICS to the Department of Commerce, Finance and Shipping

The Department of Commerce, Finance and Shipping in the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Cyprus University of Technology has achieved the maximum exam exemptions for its BSc and MSc graduates from the Professional Qualification Examination (PQE) of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS).

Specifically, the graduates of the BSc programs: Commerce, Finance and Shipping and the graduates of the MSc programs: Shipping and Finance and Shipping and Business will be exempted from the exams of the modules: Introduction to Shipping, Economics of Sea Transport and International Trade, as well as they will have the option to choose the third exemption amongst a number of modules such as: Shipping Finance, Ship Operations and Management, and Port and Terminal Management, which are part of the PQE qualification of ICS.

These exam exemptions have already been approved by the ICS. The Cyprus University of Technology may be the only Greek-speaking university and one of the few universities globally that receives such a large number of exemptions. This international accreditation recognizes the high quality of research-led teaching conducted in the above BSc and MSc programs, as also recognizes the high relevance of their curriculum with the industry’s needs.

The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers represents all aspects of the shipping business and amongst its members are not only shipbrokers but also shipowners, charterers, agents, forwarders and other shipping professionals.

It is dedicated to setting and maintaining the highest standards in international transport and shipping business. Individual professional membership of the Institute is gained by candidates passing the Professional Qualifying Examinations. Promotion to Fellowship permits a person to be described as a Chartered Shipbroker and is granted to those of seniority and influence in the shipping world and international transport.