Final timetable and instructions for students, 2020-21

Φοιτητικά Νέα Σπουδές

Student Services Department has posted the final timetable (click here) with which classes begin on Monday, September 7, 2020. The timetable was prepared based on the restrictions imposed by the difficult conditions of the pandemic, as analyzed in the health protocols set by the state and the University.


How to find my lessons

Each student has access to the courses registered through the portal, from the link:

Through the portal, from the left menu we select "Course Registration". We define the program and in the field Academic Period we select "2020-2021 Fall semester". Click on the "Continue" button and the course Tab appears. To view them in calendar format, from the left menu select "Schedule" in the correct week. If not all or some courses are displayed, send an email to

How to find out if my course will be in full physical presence or not

This information is NOT on the portal. You should open the excel file (attached) where all the courses offered at the University for the Fall semester 2020-21 are displayed in alphabetical order.

Column G titled ST_MODEL (Student Model) specifies whether the course will be offered as:

COMPLETE, ie as it happens under normal conditions with full physical presence for all meetings


BLENDED, ie with a mixed model, according to which there will be meetings in groups (A and B) with physical presence but in less time than normal and there will be an additional distance activity (online).

How will I know which team I am in

In the file, in columns K to O are the days of the week (Monday-Friday). For each lesson that will be offered as BLENDED there are three symbols. Where A means Group A, where B means Group B. The symbol TBA means To Be Announced, ie the definition of how you will come for this activity is pending. For the courses with TBA symbolism you will receive information from the Department and / or the person in charge of your course at the end of the first week of courses.

In the excel file you can see the day and time that Group A and Group B have lessons in the lessons that "break" into groups.

To see exactly which team we have placed you in, go to this address:

Enter your university or personal email and it will show you the Team we have placed in the courses you have written and have groups.


1. It is important, especially in the first week, to come based on your team. Do not try to change teams arbitrarily.

2. It is possible that courses that appear as BLENDED, due to a limit exceeding the capacity of rooms in the course (if people withdraw) to be converted to FULL attendance. You will be informed.

3. It is possible that in a very small number of courses, even though the audience is divided into two groups, there is a marginal excess and the whole group does not fit. Do not enter a crowded room, let us know immediately at and we will resolve the issue by the end of the first week.

Where can I find the hours of additional online activity in the BLENDED courses

In the excel file with the timetable, in the sheet ExtraHour_Bl are shown the BLENDED lessons with the day and hours that will have the additional online activity. Where there is TBA it means that the time is pending to be determined.

Due to the changes made, due to the sensitivity that exists, it is expected that this additional activity will be implemented from the second week of courses. Thanks for your understanding.

For any questions, send a message to or

Let's get started!

Σχετικοί Σύνδεσμοι

Course Registration - Spring Semester 2020/21

Course Registration - Spring Semester 2020/21

Announcement - General Teaching Framework for the Spring Semester 2020-21

Announcement - General Teaching Framework for the Spring Semester 2020-21

Online Final Exams Schedule, Fall Semester 2020-21

Online Final Exams Schedule, Fall Semester 2020-21

Online Final Exams Schedule, Fall Semester 2020-21

Student Services Department has posted the final timetable (click here) with which classes begin on Monday, September 7, 2020. The timetable was prepared based on the restrictions imposed by the difficult conditions of the pandemic, as analyzed in the health protocols set by the state and the University.


How to find my lessons

Each student has access to the courses registered through the portal, from the link:

Through the portal, from the left menu we select "Course Registration". We define the program and in the field Academic Period we select "2020-2021 Fall semester". Click on the "Continue" button and the course Tab appears. To view them in calendar format, from the left menu select "Schedule" in the correct week. If not all or some courses are displayed, send an email to

How to find out if my course will be in full physical presence or not

This information is NOT on the portal. You should open the excel file (attached) where all the courses offered at the University for the Fall semester 2020-21 are displayed in alphabetical order.

Column G titled ST_MODEL (Student Model) specifies whether the course will be offered as:

COMPLETE, ie as it happens under normal conditions with full physical presence for all meetings


BLENDED, ie with a mixed model, according to which there will be meetings in groups (A and B) with physical presence but in less time than normal and there will be an additional distance activity (online).

How will I know which team I am in

In the file, in columns K to O are the days of the week (Monday-Friday). For each lesson that will be offered as BLENDED there are three symbols. Where A means Group A, where B means Group B. The symbol TBA means To Be Announced, ie the definition of how you will come for this activity is pending. For the courses with TBA symbolism you will receive information from the Department and / or the person in charge of your course at the end of the first week of courses.

In the excel file you can see the day and time that Group A and Group B have lessons in the lessons that "break" into groups.

To see exactly which team we have placed you in, go to this address:

Enter your university or personal email and it will show you the Team we have placed in the courses you have written and have groups.


1. It is important, especially in the first week, to come based on your team. Do not try to change teams arbitrarily.

2. It is possible that courses that appear as BLENDED, due to a limit exceeding the capacity of rooms in the course (if people withdraw) to be converted to FULL attendance. You will be informed.

3. It is possible that in a very small number of courses, even though the audience is divided into two groups, there is a marginal excess and the whole group does not fit. Do not enter a crowded room, let us know immediately at and we will resolve the issue by the end of the first week.

Where can I find the hours of additional online activity in the BLENDED courses

In the excel file with the timetable, in the sheet ExtraHour_Bl are shown the BLENDED lessons with the day and hours that will have the additional online activity. Where there is TBA it means that the time is pending to be determined.

Due to the changes made, due to the sensitivity that exists, it is expected that this additional activity will be implemented from the second week of courses. Thanks for your understanding.

For any questions, send a message to or

Let's get started!