
The MA in TELL Programme is aimed at English language teachers, although teachers of other languages ​​could also attend if they 

  • comply with the conditions 
  • are qualified to attend the programme in English 
  • can be supervised by the staff in other languages ​​(e.g. Greek, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian)

It aims to serve the growing needs in TELL training, both locally and internationally, a topic which interests 

  • language practicing teachers 
  • educational software designers
  • policy makers

The course is innovative, both locally and internationally. 

It is for people who are interested in learning how to use new technologies through their  own learning and training on MA level.

Upon graduation, it is expected that the MA in TELL degree holders will have acquired specialised knowledge, skills and experiences to understand in depth the following topics and be able to apply them successfully:

  • Theories of Language Learning and their applications in real life
  • Methods and techniques of language teaching
  • Curriculum and material development
  • Theories and practices in language evaluation
  • Language assessment and testing and language curricula evaluation
  • Planning Computer Assisted Language Learning

MA in TELL Graduates will acquire the necessary skills that will enable them to

  • Use new technologies effective for language teaching and learning purposes
  • Design interactive multimedia technologies for language teaching and learning
  • Participate creatively in the design and implementation of research and application, thus contributing to knowledge and innovation


The MA in TELL Programme is aimed at English language teachers, although teachers of other languages ​​could also attend if they 

  • comply with the conditions 
  • are qualified to attend the programme in English 
  • can be supervised by the staff in other languages ​​(e.g. Greek, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian)

It aims to serve the growing needs in TELL training, both locally and internationally, a topic which interests 

  • language practicing teachers 
  • educational software designers
  • policy makers

The course is innovative, both locally and internationally. 

It is for people who are interested in learning how to use new technologies through their  own learning and training on MA level.

Upon graduation, it is expected that the MA in TELL degree holders will have acquired specialised knowledge, skills and experiences to understand in depth the following topics and be able to apply them successfully:

  • Theories of Language Learning and their applications in real life
  • Methods and techniques of language teaching
  • Curriculum and material development
  • Theories and practices in language evaluation
  • Language assessment and testing and language curricula evaluation
  • Planning Computer Assisted Language Learning

MA in TELL Graduates will acquire the necessary skills that will enable them to

  • Use new technologies effective for language teaching and learning purposes
  • Design interactive multimedia technologies for language teaching and learning
  • Participate creatively in the design and implementation of research and application, thus contributing to knowledge and innovation