Τμημα Μηχανολογων Μηχανικων και Επιστημησ και Μηχανικησ Υλικων
Προηγμένη Θερμοδυναμική ΜΕΜ537 Εφαρμοσμένη Θερμοδυναμική ΜΕΜ217 Εισαγωγή στη Θερμοδυναμική ΜΕΜ 212 |
Επιλεγμένες δημοσιεύσεις (2011-7): 1. Shady A., Eleftheriou P, Xeni F., Morlot R. , Ménézo C., Kostopoulos V., Betsi M., Kalaitzoglou I., Paglianof L., Cellurag M., Almeidah M., Ferreirah M., Baracui T., Badescui V., Crutescuj R., Hidalgo-Betanzosk J. M. Overview and future challenges of nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) design in Southern Europe, J. Energy and Buildings, accepted for publication, ENB-D-16-01992R4, 2017 3. Kapnisis KK, Pitsillides CM, Prokopi MS, Lapathitis G, Karaiskos C, Eleftheriou PC, Brott BC, Anderson PG, Lemns JE, Anayiotos AS. In vivo monitoring of the inflammatory response in a stented mouse aorta model, J Biomed Mater Res A. 2015 Sep 12. doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.35560. 4. Dados A., Paparizou E., Eleftheriou P., Papastephanou C., Stalikas C., Nanometer-sized ceria coated silica-iron oxide for the reagent-less/pre- concentration of heavy metals in environmental and biological samples followed by slurry introduction to ICP-OES, Talanta, Vol (122), 2014. 5. F. Xeni, Eleftheriou P., Michaelides I., Hadjiyiannis S., Philimis P., Stylianou A., In situ U-Value Measurements for today’s Cypriot Houses, International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 2014; 6. Savva A, Petraki F, Eleftheriou P, Sygellou L, Voigt M., Giannouli M., Kapnisis K., Kennou S., Nelson J., Donal D.C, Bradley C., Brabec J., and Choulis S., The Effect of Organic and Metal Oxide Interfacial layers on the Performance of Inverted Organic Photovoltaics, J. of Advanced Energy Materials, V(3), March 2013 , pp 391-398. 7. Michaelides I., Eleftheriou P., Siamas G., Roditis G., and Kyriacou P., Experimental investigation of the night heat losses of hot water storage tanks in thermosyphon solar water heaters, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, V3(6), May 2011; no 033103. |
Θερμικά Συστήματα, Ηλιακά Συστήματα, Κτήρια σχεδόν μηδενικής κατανάλωσης ενέργειας (nZeb Buildings) Περιβαλλοντικά συστήματα, Συστήματα ελέγχου θορύβου, Μηχανές Εσωτερικής Καύσης |
1. CIP-IEE-2013 “nZEB training in the Southern EU countries – Maintaining building traditions”, Partner Financed by the European Union €1 364 000 mnths 2. IEE/10/271357, «MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies», Partner (Financed by the European Union €1 404 000) 3. «Establishing the Energy Losses of the Typical Cypriot Residence, a Pilot Study» Τεχνολογια/ενεργ/0609(ΒΙΕ)/09, Coordinator Financed by the Cyprus Research Institute with €210,000 4. «Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Contaminated Soil, pilot test at a place near Larnaca», ΔΙΔΑΚΤΩΡ/ΔΙΣΕΠ/0308, Partner Financed by the Cyprus Research Institute with €135,000 5. «Development of an innovative hot water storage tank made of mild steel and coated internally with polymer using rotational molding», ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΕΙΣ/ΕΦΑΡΜ/0308/18, Partner Financed by the Cyprus Research Institute with €235,000 |