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CUT IXN: Collaborate, Innovate, Pioneer.

Σχετικά με το ΙΧΝ


Για πρώτη φορά κατά το Φθινοπωρινό εξάμηνο του 2021, φοιτητές του Τεχνολογικού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου συμμετείχαν στο πρόγραμμα Industry Exchange Network (IXN), που ανέπτυξε και διαχειρίζεται το University College London (UCL). To πλαίσιο εκμάθησης IXN, που καθιερώθηκε από τους καθηγητές Dean Mohamedally και Graham Roberts (UCL) έχει εγκριθεί ως βέλτιστη πρακτική από την κυβέρνηση του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου (https://www.ucl.ac.uk/computer-science/collaborate/ucl-industry-exchange-network-ucl-ixn)

Το IXN παρέχει μια αμφίδρομη ευκαιρία σε φοιτητές πανεπιστημίου και συνεργάτες από την βιομηχανία, να συνεργαστούν σε πραγματικά έργα που έχουν ανατεθεί από τοπικούς και διεθνείς συνεργάτες από τη βιομηχανία.

Το CUT έχει υπογράψει μνημόνιο συνεργασίας με την UCL με στόχο την εφαρμογή του μοντέλου UCL Industry Exchange Network (IXN) στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος σπουδών του (https://www.cut.ac.cy/news/article/?languageId=1&contentId=443150).

Οφέλη για τους φοιτητές

Το πρόγραμμα IXN επιτρέπει στους φοιτητές να εργάζονται για την λύση πραγματικών προβλημάτων, αποκτώντας διεπιστημονική σε διάφορες σχετικές περιοχές, ενισχύοντας τις μελλοντικές προοπτικές απασχολησιμότητάς τους, όντας καλύτερα προετοιμασμένοι για την επαγγελματική τους καριέρα.

Οφέλη για τις συνεργάτιδες εταιρείες/οργανισμούς

Το πρόγραμμα IXN επιτρέπει στους ΙΧΝ συνεργάτες από τη βιομηχανία να δουν τις ιδέες τους να εξελίσσονται σε λειτουργικές ιδέες (proofs-of-concept) με ελάχιστο ρίσκο, χωρίς να απαιτείται η συμβολή εσωτερικών πόρων. Οι συνεργάτες IXN έχουν την ευκαιρία να καινοτομήσουν και να επωφεληθούν από τις νέες ιδέες και προσεγγίσεις των φοιτητών, ως απάντηση στις επιχειρηματικές τους προκλήσεις.

Ενδιαφερόμενες εταιρείες, οργανισμοί και σώματα, μπορούν να επικοινωνήσουν με τη Δρ. Αικατερίνη Μαυρή στο aekaterini.mavri@cut.ac.cy.

Πως λειτουργούν τα έργα IXN

Ο IXN υπεύθυνος από το Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου αναλαμβάνει να ενημερώσει πιθανούς IXN συνεργάτες από την τοπική και διεθνή βιομηχανία σχετικά με τις ευκαιρίες συνεργασίας στο πλαίσιο του IXN και οι ενδιαφερόμενοι οργανισμοί υποβάλλουν τις προτάσεις έργων τους, περίπου 4-6 μήνες πριν από το επόμενο ακαδημαϊκό εξάμηνο.

Ταυτόχρονα, με βάση τα ενδιαφέροντα και τις προτιμήσεις τους (motivation tracking), οι φοιτητές εντάσσονται σε ομάδες (4 άτομα), για να συν-εργαστούν σε αυτά τα έργα.

Η κάθε συνεργαζόμενη εταιρεία/οργανισμός πρέπει να έχει αναθέσει σε κάποιο να είναι ο «τεχνικός μέντορας» για κάθε ομάδα φοιτητών, έτσι ώστε να υποστηρίζει συχνά τους φοιτητές και να επισκοπεί τα παραδοτέα του έργου, μαζί με τον καθηγητή από το Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου.

Kύκλοι IXN

Kύκλος ΙΧΝ 2023

Κατά το 3ο κύκλο IXN (2023) οι ομάδες φοιτητών μας συμμετείχαν σε έργα από διάφορους τομείς της βιομηχανίας. Οι φοιτητές ανέπτυξαν ιστοσελίδες που εξερεύνησαν διάφορες θεματικές περιοχές, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των video games και ψυχαγωγίας, σε συνεργασία με την εταιρεία Wargaming (https://na.wargaming.net/en), ΙοΤ και των περιβάλλοντων εκτροφής ζώων (livestock), με τη συνεργασία της Algolysis (https://www.algolysis.com/), την παρακολούθηση του brand, υπό την καθοδήγηση της Summercliff (https://www.summercliff.com/), διαχείριση ιδιοκτησίας, υπό την επίβλεψη της UiBS (http://www.uibs.net) και ανακύκλωση σκουπιδιών σε έργα τέχνης, υπό την καθοδήγηση της House of Brands (http://www.houseofbrands.com.cy). Όλες οι IXN εταιρείες παρείχαν προδιαγραφές έργων στους φοιτητές, των οποίων τα αποτελέσματα παρουσιάζονται στην επόμενη καρτέλα (ΕΡΓΑ CUT IXN).

Kύκλος IXN 2022

Σε συνέχεια του πρώτου κύκλου ΙΧΝ (2021), οι 3-ετείς φοιτητές στο τμήμα Πολυμέσων & Γραφικών Τεχνών (MGA) συμμετείχαν και πάλι στο πρόγραμμα IXN κατα το Φθινοπωρινό εξάμηνο 2022. Οι φοιτητές συνεργάστηκαν με οργανισμούς στο δημόσιο και ιδιωτικό τομέα όπως το Συμβούλιο Υδατοπρομήθειας Λεμεσού, τις Algolysis, Sylversky3D, UiBS και Summercliff - ως IXN συνεργάτες. Ολοι οι συνεργάτες ανάθεσαν διαφορετικά έργα σε συνολικά 8 ομάδες φοιτητών.

Κύκλος IXN 2021

Το 2021 οι φοιτητές συνεργάστηκαν με το τμήμα Πληροφορικής του UCL, τη Microsoft, και την IBM UK, καθώς και με τις UiBS και SummerCliff που δραστηριοποιούνται στη Κύπρο.

Τους κύκλους IXN διηύθυνε και επιμελήθηκε η Δρ. Αικατερίνη Μαύρη (https://www.cut.ac.cy/faculties/aac/mga/staff/special-teaching-staff/aekaterini.mavri) σε συνεργασία με τον διδακτορικό φοιτητή Λάζαρο Κουζέλη (https://madlab.cool/people/lazaros-rafail-kouzelis). 


2023 IXN Projects: 

Project 1: Algolysis - Poultry Farm Monitoring platform

Project 2: WarGaming - Collectors’ Club website (A)

Project 3: WarGaming - Collectors’ Club website  (B)

Project 4: Summercliff - Online Brand Listening Tool 

Project 5: UiBS - REVIVE: Empty properties action (A)

Project 6: UiBS - REVIVE: Empty properties action (B)

Project 7: HOB - House of Brands - From “Junk to Art” platform (A)

Project 8: HOB - House of Brands - From “Junk to Art” platform (B)


Project 1

Algolysis- Poultry Farm Monitoring platform




The objective of this project is to create the software part of this system, a platform that displays the data collected from the hardware in the farm in a logical, usable and visually explicit way. This platform serves a dual purpose: first, to allow farm owners or agricultural companies to monitor the good health of their farms, and second, to allow local related authorities to access relevant administrative and production data about them.

Team: Georgia Rose Dimitriou, Giorgos Pitsillis, Valeria Loizou, Evgenia Solomontos,  Alexandros Demetriou


Project 2

Wargaming - Collectors’ Club Website (A)



Since the launch of World of Tanks Modern Armor, players have unlocked or bought a variety of tanks, including rare and discontinued models. With over 1,000 tanks currently in the game, this newly developed platform seeks to re-engage dormant players and incentivize active ones, helping players acknowledge their achievements, keep their interest alive, and re-engage them into actively playing the game.

Team: Panagiota Georgiadi, Dimitris Zonias, Panagiotis Xristou, Eleftheria Papadopoulou


Project 3

Wargaming - Collectors’ Club Website (B)





Since the launch of World of Tanks Modern Armor, players have unlocked or bought a variety of tanks, including rare and discontinued models. With over 1,000 tanks currently in the game, this newly developed platform seeks to re-engage dormant players and incentivize active ones, helping players acknowledge their achievements, keep their interest alive, and re-engage them into actively playing the game.

Team: Rebeka Urbanova, Sokratis Sokratous, Stefanos Kasoulidis, Stavros Kazakos


Project 4

Summercliff - Online Brand Listening Tool






Online listening tools allow users to track data from various sources, with the aim to monitor, analyze and respond to online activity (i.e. social media conversations/blogs/web articles/news) about their own brand and products, the industry sector (i.e. fashion products, hospitality, real-estate, etc), competitors or general topics of interest (i.e. an industry sector). The objective of this project is to create the web GUI for an online listening tool that will track and archive data from various sources (social platforms, web articles etc.).

Team: Despoina Sorokkou, Maritini Aresti, Konstantinos Kafkalias, Meliana Terenti, Evelina Safeiri


Project 5

UiBS - REVIVE: Empty properties action (A) 



This project aims to develop a platform that allows on the one hand: a) users to login and report and upload visuals of empty/unused/abandoned properties online, and on the other hand b) take action, either on their own or to forward this opportunity to interested parties (property experts) to respond to this issue, through various actions: locate the owner (via tax, land registry dept, bank websites), buy the property, request quotation for fixing the property, request funding/sponsorship.

Team: Georgia Dimitriou, Marianna Stavrou, Evgenios Ambrosiou, Anastasia Theodorou


Project 6

UiBS - REVIVE: Empty properties action (B) 



This project aims to develop a platform that allows on the one hand: a) users to login and report and upload visuals of empty/unused/abandoned properties online, and on the other hand b) take action, either on their own or to forward this opportunity to interested parties (property experts) to respond to this issue, through various actions: locate the owner (via tax, land registry dept, bank websites), buy the property, request quotation for fixing the property, request funding/sponsorship.

Team: Kyriaki Makri, Pavlina Efthymiou, Maria Zikou, Maria Panagi


Project 7

HOB - House of Brands - From “Junk to Art” platform (A)



"From Junk to Art" project powered by Top Glory Marine through House of Brands is focused on promoting recycling and artistic creativity by encouraging artists to transform waste materials into art. To effectively promote this initiative and engage potential contributors, teams are required to create a professional website that describes and illustrates the project's mission, showcases the ART created from junk (previous), and provides a platform for individuals, companies and organizations to submit their waste materials and provide descriptions for interested users who look to convert them into art.

Team: Eleana Iacovou, Katerina Antoniou, Natali Aristeidou, Fotis Venglis


Project 8

HOB - House of Brands - From “Junk to Art” platform (B)



"From Junk to Art" project powered by Top Glory Marine through House of Brands is focused on promoting recycling and artistic creativity by encouraging artists to transform waste materials into art. To effectively promote this initiative and engage potential contributors, teams are required to create a professional website that describes and illustrates the project's mission, showcases the ART created from junk (previous), and provides a platform for individuals, companies and organizations to submit their waste materials and provide descriptions for interested users who look to convert them into art.

Team: Katerina Konstantinou, Styliani Mixail, Andreas Theofanous, Savvas Voyiatzis, Evriali Karavokiri


2022 IXN Projects:

Project 1: Algolysis - algorithmic solutions website

Project 2: Summercliff HORECA e-shop

Project 3: Water Board of Lemesos portal

Project 4: Water Board of Lemesos portal

Project 5: Silversky3D website redesign

Project 6: Silversky3D website redesign

Project 7: UiBS eHoliday-spot booking

Project 8: UiBS eHoliday-spot booking



Algolysis - algorithmic solutions Website:



Algolysis website (www.algolysis.com) should be an online portal that presents the company's expertise and research projects. Simplicity is one of the virtues that the company entails. The goal of this project is to design a simplistic website that simultaneously promotes the company’s business character as well as the services, products, research and project portfolio, and expertise in Algolysis. Additionally, the website should facilitate a partner-only section (via login) with important information about projects, partners, contact information, work packages, and planned versus actual deliverables of the work packages, filtered by time periods, responsible partner(s), etc. All these should be accessed via an interactive dashboard page, whose purpose is to provide a clear and easy-to-follow structure for such complex information.



Summercliff - HORECA e-Shop Website




This is an e-shop project designed for a client in the HORECA industry. Products and services need to be categorized and displayed with an option to purchase and check out. Advanced Search Filters need to be incorporated beyond basic category filtering - such as frozen & ambiance. Other filters should also be provided, such as ‘search by food allergies or specific physical conditions’. The site should provide a secure environment for members, clients, and suppliers, offering services such as profiles, code, name and surname, and history of purchases.



Water Board of Lemesos Website





This project requires the creation of an original website, which is user-friendly for normal (non-expert) users (i.e. citizens) and should include the following:

  1. Content and navigation optimization of the current website
  2. Possibility of content management options by ordinary users through a membership system (login/register)
  3. Database-stored electronic applications
  4. Form distribution & submission
  5. Content optimization for SEO purposes



Water Board of Lemesos Website



This project requires the creation of an original website, which is user-friendly for normal (non-expert) users (i.e. citizens) and should include the following:

  1. Content and navigation optimization of the current website
  2. Possibility of content management options by ordinary users through a membership system (login/register)
  3. Database-stored electronic applications
  4. Form distribution & submission
  5. Content optimization for SEO purposes



Silversky3D website redesign



The Silversky3D website needs to reflect and present its work’s content in an optimum way with respect to user experience and by prioritizing and optimizing the information to be displayed. Specifically, the website needs to have the following distinct sections:

  1. About us (i.e. an introduction of the team, backgrounds, qualifications, etc.)
  2. Services (example: categories i.e. architectural drawings, educational applications, AR applications, etc.)
  3. Clients (or/and collaborators): a list of clients (by the logo and visuals/description of their project)
  4. Case studies or success stories (a section that presents the case of a challenging project, with visuals and a description of its development process)
  5. Portfolio of work: all completed project deliverables in a well-designed and categorized gallery section
  6. Funded projects list
  7. Interactive section: Client “Submit your needs” section



Silversky3D website redesign



The Silversky3D website needs to reflect and present its work’s content in an optimum way with respect to user experience and by prioritizing and optimizing the information to be displayed. Specifically, the website needs to have the following distinct sections:

  1. About us (i.e. an introduction of the team, backgrounds, qualifications, etc.)
  2. Services (example: categories i.e. architectural drawings, educational applications, AR applications, etc.)
  3. Clients (or/and collaborators): a list of clients (by the logo and visuals/description of their project)
  4. Case studies or success stories (a section that presents the case of a challenging project, with visuals and a description of its development process)
  5. Portfolio of work: all completed project deliverables in a well-designed and categorized gallery section
  6. Funded projects list
  7. Interactive section: Client “Submit your needs” section



UiBS – eHoliday-spot booking



Accessing services through automated online applications and websites, generating customized experiences and outcomes for users, and sidestepping the need for unnecessary waits and delays through a secure and effortless flow of interactions have become mainstream over the past decade.

Cut teams are required to design a platform that allows users to book their summer holiday sea/poolside visit entirely online. The holiday service categories will include sunbeds, umbrellas, huts, and other outside furniture arrangements, their related dimensions will include, layout, distance from the beach/pool/hotel/shower/other amenities, and other features will include things like required/non-required food & drinks service, towels, babysitter, baby-equipment, parking spot, etc. User information is critical too, like resort guest/visitor/discount-awarded member, etc. You are required to think of intuitive ways that users will a) browse and search the website (i.e. the advanced search filters), b) consume the information architecture and layout design, by seeing the key service categories, dimensions, and features promoted, and c) go through the booking process in a safe, easy and enjoyable manner.



UiBS – eHoliday-spot booking



Accessing services through automated online applications and websites, generating customized experiences and outcomes for users, and sidestepping the need for unnecessary waits and delays through a secure and effortless flow of interactions have become mainstream over the past decade.

Cut teams are required to design a platform that allows users to book their summer holiday sea/poolside visit entirely online. The holiday service categories will include sunbeds, umbrellas, huts, and other outside furniture arrangements, their related dimensions will include, layout, distance from the beach/pool/hotel/shower/other amenities, and other features will include things like required/non-required food & drinks service, towels, babysitter, baby-equipment, parking spot, etc. User information is critical too, like resort guest/visitor/discount-awarded member, etc. You are required to think of intuitive ways that users will a) browse and search the website (i.e. the advanced search filters), b) consume the information architecture and layout design, by seeing the key service categories, dimensions, and features promoted, and c) go through the booking process in a safe, easy and enjoyable manner.


2021 IXN Projects:

Project 1: UCL MotionInput v2.0 Proof of Concept website with Microsoft UK, for global users

Project 2: UCL MotionInput v2.0 Proof of Concept website with Microsoft UK, portal for web games in care homes 

Project 3: UCL IBM FISE Project Community Proof of Concept website with IBM UK

Project 4: UCL IBM FISE Project Care Homes Implementation for FISE Ecosystem Proof of Concept with IBM UK

Project 5: UIBS DOCS – Document Management Hub

Project 6: UIBS License – Licenses Management Hub

Project 7: Summerclif virtual office (clients’ portal)

Project 8: Summerclif virtual office (collaborators’ portal)



UCL MotionInput v2.0 Proof of Concept website with Microsoft, for global users


COVID-19 has made it increasingly important for the general population to keep active at home and maintain its wellbeing. The key idea behind this project is to "use the tech and tools you have already" and "keep active", providing touchless interactive interfaces to existing Windows software and games through the use of a standard webcam.

A CUT team was required to set up a web front-end platform for MotionInput.com which offers various help guides, lists of games with playtests (feedback forms), and Windows 10 applications that have been tested (table of data, embedded YouTube videos), that can be accessed and used to illustrate to users how to make the most of motion-based interactions. The website should allow users to browse through help guides of different gesture categories and select & show instructions for different interactions that are needed for playing or using the games/applications. The instruction guides will make use of videos on youtube.  


Project 2

UCL MotionInput v2.0 Proof of Concept website with Microsoft, portal for web games in care home settings


UCL MotionInput v2.0 with Microsoft will enable users to play games while standing up and to control them with their wrists (similar to EyeToy for Playstation and Kinect for Xbox), by simply using their TV and a laptop. A number of online games, predominantly 2D board games, would be suitable for users in care homes and in schools. Cut Teams are required to design a web portal that considers these users’ navigation needs, and enables them to access various games using the MotionInput software as a browser controller. This web portal will serve as a browser ecosystem for this type of users.

Based on the size and diversity of the content (categories & subcategories: games, applications, gestures), teams are required to pay special attention to the design of the information architecture through effective content structuring (within and across pages), as well as to the GUI which is meant to present, categorize, and guide the user to navigate and consume this content in an intuitive manner.


Project 3

UCL IBM FISE Project Community Proof of Concept Website 

The Franklin Immersive Social Engagement (FISE) experiments project




​​The implementation of self-isolation and social distancing measures by governments during the Covid 19 pandemic has escalated the spread of loneliness across the population. Loneliness is now a major risk factor with implications for personal, economic and societal well-being. The key idea behind this project is to help reduce this risk factor for those of any age who feel isolated, through social integration, communication, collaboration and engagement opportunities (connect, play, talk) by making use of existing open-source technologies and real-world service APIs.

A Cut team was required to set up a new IBM product website that needs to be created using the IBM design kit for care home providers to access the FISE software solutions. The website’s purpose is to primarily inform about FISE, offer help on the technology, like installation guidance through written and video instruction, lists of the various games and services provided, feedback forms for use-tested products, and an e-commerce page for purchasing assets.



Project 4

UCL IBM FISE Project Care Homes Implementation for FISE Ecosystem

The Franklin Immersive Social Engagement (FISE) experiments project Proof of Concept




​​Cut teams are required to set up a web platform which hosts three interconnected apps that aim to reduce social isolation. The apps are: a) “UCL Ask-KITA”, an open-source and federated voice assistant framework, b) “FISE Lounge”, an open-sourced video conferencing web app for the socially isolated and elderly, and c) “FISE Concierge”, a voice-enabled Android app concierge making public web services more accessible and available to less technologically savvy users. All three need to be integrated into a platform which aims to inform and clarify the information structure and capabilities of the apps, since each one hosts their own set of sections and services. This web platform will be running in a browser, on an Intel NUC computer (which you will simulate on laptops).

Teams are required to pay attention to the design of the information architecture through effective content structuring (within and across pages), as well as to the GUI, which is meant to present, categorize, and guide the user to navigate and consume the 3 apps in an intuitive manner.


Project 5

UIBS DOCS – Document Management Hub




​UIBS provides digital transformation and business technology solutions, cloud and managed services for various industry sectors. CUT teams are required to create a new dedicated portal for hosting UIBS services’ documentation and learning materials for its clients and technology professionals. UIBS has been sharing instructions, end-user manuals, software functionality and scenario solutions, screenshots, videos and product release notes in many different platforms including email. However, all of these documents are spread across a number of different environments, making it hard for users to navigate, search and locate and use them effectively,

The goal is to consolidate, re-organize, present, and archive all this content in one unified website portal - that will act as a dashboard for all of these materials, presenting excellent information architecture qualities (layout, order or importance, proximity, segmentation of areas), as well as effective search capabilities in a user-friendly manner.



Project 6

UIBS License – Licenses Management Hub




​Cut teams are requested to design a new ‘Products and Licensing’ secure page (password-protected) that displays relevant and customized information for each purchaser of UIBS products, as a secure admin portal. The key parameters needed for licensing purposes are the Product name, logo, the licensing Status (i.e. renewed, paid, etc.), Edition, Version, activation date, expiration date, renewal date etc. 

This secure website should present key visual icons to communicate the status of the product’s licensing state at a glance in a dashboard-style home page. The website will also host key information, visuals, and guidance videos for each product, its latest release notes, and a special section for legal terms and conditions.

Finally, the website will offer a renewal payment (communicated to the user based on visual cues) leading the user to the marketplace for purchasing assets through credit card payments.


Project 7

Summerclif virtual office (clients’ portal)




Summercliff is a fully integrated advertising agency delivering the full spectrum of creative services including online and offline strategy. 

Remote working has become essential these days. A tool for the internal communication and management of a team would be essential for thriving businesses of the future.

For this project, a virtual office environment prototype design will be created by the CUT teams. This project will only be created in terms of the design interface (no back-end functionality is required).

Users – colleagues & clients - will have the ability to log in and depending on their role they will be able to create a profile, upload their photo and work details, create a list of projects and subprojects & descriptions, assign/edit the time consumed on a specific project, track their work time (total, remaining etc.), talk to each other & collaborate on a project - if needed with each other. The project list should assign information such as the progress status, deadline, team members, upload and download files, and write notes.

Project 8

Summerclif virtual office (collaborators’ portal)




For this project, a virtual office environment prototype design will be created by the CUT teams. This project will only be created in terms of the design interface (no back-end functionality is required).

Users – colleagues - will have the ability to log in, create a profile such as upload their photo and work details, create a list of projects and subprojects & descriptions, assign/edit the time consumed on a specific project, track their work time (total, remaining etc.), talk to each other & collaborate on a project - if needed with each other. The project list should assign information such as the progress status, deadline, team members, upload and download files, and write notes.