Shipping and Finance


The Program focuses on the shipping and the finance sectors which are considered as two key pillars for the development of the Cyprus economy, indissolubly related to a very broad range of financial services like banking, insurance, investment companies, portfolio managers, forex brokers etc, as well as to the shipping sector, the supply management chain and the management of trade and natural resources (e.g. oil and gas companies).

The primary goal of the MSc Shipping and Finance is to provide graduates with top-notch hard skills and help them develop all the required competencies -by offering both a strong academic and a professional background- so as to enable them to be the among the best applicants for high positions in financial institutions, shipping companies, financial departments of multinational organizations and business service providers.

Alongside, through the high-quality research offered by the Department, as well as through the channels of international dialogue between academia, industry, decision makers and government which are in place, the pursuit of doctoral studies is facilitated and encouraged. Moreover, apart from the open access to doctoral programs of prestigious universities all around the world, the MSc Shipping and Finance “grease the wheels” towards the acquisition of professional qualifications. Among others, the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS) provides the following 3 exemptions to graduates of the Program:

  • ‘Introduction to Shipping' module
  • 'Economics of Sea Transport and International Trade' module, and
  • ‘Shipping Finance’ module


Last but not least, the Internship offers the suitable opportunity for the students who opt for, to understand the problems and trends governing businesses in the shipping, financial or adjacent sector, by integrating them in an environment of real working conditions.



Syllabus (Full time students)


1st semester (compulsory courses for 30 ECTS)

FAMS 507: Financial Analysis and Corporate Policies

FAMS 509: Data Analysis in Finance

SHP 511: Maritime Economics

SHP 522: Shipping Finance


2nd semester (compulsory courses for 30 ECTS)

SHP 513: Port Economics and Management

SHP 521: Chartering

FAMS 563: Investments and Financial Risk Management

FAMS 560: Seminars on Cutting-Edge Business Perspectives


Summer Period (elective courses)

During the summer period, students who do not choose to undertake a thesis can alternatively select up to two (2) courses and complete 15 ECTS (out of the 30 ECTS required). Each course corresponds to 7.5 ECTS.

SHP 533 ShipTech - Shipping Technology

SHP 540: Blue - Green Growth and Maritime Environmental Management

FAMS 528: Banking and Finance

FAMS 558: Financial Technology (FinTech)

PLA 500: Internship (Placement)

FAMS 531 - Professional Development Seminar: Financial Applications with Python [0 ECTS]


3rd Semester (elective courses or continuation of the master thesis)

The master's thesis is officially credited in the 3rd semester. Students continue working on it, and the final submission date is the last day of exams, as defined by the academic calendar.

FAMS 580 /SHP 580: Master Thesis in Shipping and Finance [30 ECTS]

Students who do not choose the master's thesis, must select from the following courses (Each course is equivalent to 7.5 ECTS):

FAMS 542 – International Financial Management

FAMS 551 - Equity Asset Valuation

FAMS 561 - Corporate Restructuring and Business Valuation

SHP 531 - Data Analysis for Shipping and Ports

SHP 532 - Supply Chain and Logistics Management






Eligible to apply for the Master's programs are:

  1. Bachelor’s degree holders from a recognized university,
  2. Holders of a degree which has been recognized by the Cyprus Council of Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications (KYSATS) to be an equivalent to a bachelor’s degree,
  3. Undergraduate students, who are expected to receive a bachelor’s degree prior to the commencement of the Master’s program.


Application outcome

Candidates will be informed by email of the outcome of their application (correspondence will be sent to the email address stated when submitting the application). Candidates can be also informed about the progress and the outcome of their application through the University Portal.


Deadline for applications

30 April 2024

Supporting documentation

To apply, one must attach the following documents:

  • Photocopy of identity card or passport
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Photocopy of bachelor’s degree (or a certificate confirming that the bachelor’s degree will be obtained prior to the commencement of the Master’s program)
  • Detailed transcript of bachelor’s degree
  • Attaching letters of recommendation is not necessary. It is necessary though to state two names / details / telephone numbers of persons who could be potential referees and, if deemed necessary, the Department will contact them directly.

Significant note: Even though a certificate of proficiency in English is not required during the application process, applicants should be aware that for all Master’s programs a very good command of English is necessary.

The Department reserves the right to request additional -confidential or not- information or documentation from the candidate.

The application along with the supporting documents are submitted electronically, through the University Portal. For analytical guidelines on how to create your account with the University Portal, refer to this page.


Advance payment and tuition fees

If you have been offered a position, an advance payment is a condition for securing it. The amount of the advance payment is not refundable in any case whatsoever. For more information regarding the advance payment, the tuition fees and the payment methods, refer to this page.


Contact us for more information

For more information, please contact the Student Services and Information Center [email:, tel. +357 25 002710/11], or the Department directly [email:].


Διδακτικό Προσωπικό Προγράμματος