Dr. Petros Kosmas is a Lecturer at the Department of Hotel and Tourism Management (HTM) of Cyprus University of Technology (CUT). He serves also as an Assistant Coordinator and Researcher at the Research Center for Social Science and Regional Development "HERACLITUS" of CUT. He received his PhD and Master's Degree in “Sustainable Development” from Harokopio University of Athens (HUA), Greece. As a Special Scientist during the period 2006-2008 he had teaching and research duties at Harokopio University of Athens. In 2012 he was placed as a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Department of HTM. From 2013 until 2019 he served as
[...]the Coordinator of the Department of Business Administration at Cyprus College. Since 2017 he represents the Research Centre “HERACLITUS" and the Department of HTM of CUT at the UNITWIN-UNESCO NETWORK "Culture, Tourism and Development". His research interests concerns in understanding processes towards Sustainable Development and Cultural Diversity in the world through Responsible Tourism and Rural Development.