Statement of interest for tutorials (paid)

Φοιτητικά Νέα Φοιτητική Ζωή Σταδιοδρομία Συμβουλευτική

The Student Development Center of the Service for Academic Affairs and Student Welfare accepts statement of interest from undergraduate and postgraduate students of all departments and from all years, from Special Scientific Staff, Postgraduate Associates of the Cyprus University of Technology for providing tutorial support in certain modules. For students is required to have passed the module for which they are interested in providing tutorial support with a grade of at least 7.5/10.

Those interested can call at 25 002380 for more information. All the tutorials are offered only in the Center for Student Development.

The opening hours of the rooms are 08:00-21:00, Monday-Friday.

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The Student Development Center of the Service for Academic Affairs and Student Welfare accepts statement of interest from undergraduate and postgraduate students of all departments and from all years, from Special Scientific Staff, Postgraduate Associates of the Cyprus University of Technology for providing tutorial support in certain modules. For students is required to have passed the module for which they are interested in providing tutorial support with a grade of at least 7.5/10.

Those interested can call at 25 002380 for more information. All the tutorials are offered only in the Center for Student Development.

The opening hours of the rooms are 08:00-21:00, Monday-Friday.