Course Schedule and Registration (Fall Semester 2020/21)

Σπουδές Φοιτητικά Νέα

The schedule for the Fall Semester 2020-21 is ready. Click here.

New students will be able to enroll in courses from Tuesday, September 1st. As part of the information week, we will explain in detail how. Don’t forget to bring a mask. The photo shoot for student ID purposes will take place in the foyer of the amf. Pefkios Georgiadis (not in the building of CUTTING EDGE).

Older students can add and drop courses from September 3 until September 4 (11πμ). Due to the pandemic, those enrolled in each course must finalize their schedule before the start of the courses (until September 6). In every lesson and in every room we must know who they are.

The University has prepared a detailed health protocol (click here), based on the guidelines of the Cypriot state and within the framework of academic operation determined by the Senate. Please take some time and read it. Please note that the state protocols will apply in the University's Cafe, as in other areas such as the Library and the Gym.

The following are some key points:

  • Before entering a building (not just the classroom), wear a mask and do not take it off until you leave. We will give you (next week) a reusable fabric mask, but it is not enough. We use the antiseptics that are available both at the entrance and in the halls. We are careful in the sanitary areas.
  • We approach and leave the classes strictly adhering to the schedule. On time. We do not gather in groups, neither inside the classroom nor in the corridors outside.
  • Seats have been closed off in all rooms / workshops (there are markings) so that the capacity does not exceed 50% of the normal capacity and there is a sufficient distance between each student (one empty seat and / or at least 1 meter distance).
  • We are not sitting where it was defined as a vacancy. We do not transfer chairs from elsewhere. We do not move chairs / seats. We do not enter a room / laboratory where the seats are full (even if we are enrolled in the course). We inform YSFM about the problem.
  • Courses that are defined as blended, means that the audience is divided (to fit in the rooms / workshops). We go to the team that has been assigned to us, on the specified day and time. We do not change groups arbitrarily. Never for any reason (it is critical if tracking is needed).
  • There is an indication in the timetable for the courses that will be offered as blended. With the completion of the registrations and the add/drop procedure of classes, there may be small changes. You will be informed in detail by September 6 and you will know which team you belong to when the courses are blended.
  • Utilize distance learning tools. If we have a problem with a computer at home and / or with the connection, we inform the University and ask for help.
  • The Department and our teachers have worked methodically to adapt the learning process to the new data. Especially in blended lessons. You need your own creative contribution, good faith and cooperation. It is a new experience for everyone, a great challenge.
  • If we do not feel well (we have suspicious clinical symptoms) we do not go to class. We inform and stay home. You won't get absent. There is the possibility of distance learning. We do not abuse this possibility. First you need to look after your health, our health, and those around us.
  • If we belong to a vulnerable group (and/or have any disability) and need special regulation, we contact our Department and the Student Development Center (, 25 002411)
  • We avoid coming to department/service buildings if we can be served by phone or email.
  • There will be cases amongst us. Everyone is a potential case, and we need to take precautions for prevention.  If someone is confirmed a case though, we do not stigmatize those who have been affected. There is a plan when a confirmed case is detected. There is no reason to get worried or upset, until it is officially confirmed.  We remain calm.
  • If we have questions, we ask. But first we read the protocol. All questions (send a message here: and it will be answered quickly.

We can do it.  We are the Cyprus University of Technology.


The period for Course Registration, will start from Tuesday, 1st of September through (SIS), according to the following program.

Undergraduate Students

Tuesday 1/9/2020

Wednesday  2/9/2020

Thursday 3/9/2020

Friday  4/9/2020

3rd or greater Semester




1st - 2nd Semester

x x x


Erasmus Students



Postgraduate Students





Important notes:

  1. Student Load: Students who have started their studies in 2018 and 2019 may, with the agreement and approval of the Academic Advisor, exceed the normal workload up to one extra course until the 6th semester and up to two extra courses after 6th Semester. 
  2. Grade Improvement: A student who wishes to improve his / her grade in a course in which he or she has achieved a grade of 5 or above may repeat it after approval by the teacher by sending a relevant message to  The request will be forwarded to the relevant Officer who will inform the student accordingly of the outcome of his request. 

Explanations for Postgraduate Students (Masters and Doctoral Degrees)

It is understood that Postgraduate students who are in the process of completing their Master’s Thesis and do not complete it, should enroll in their “thesis course” every semester.  (Maximum Duration of Study is 8 Semesters).

It should be noted that PhD students must enroll in the "Research or Writing" phase every semester and submit the "Annual Progress Report" at the end of each spring semester.  In cases where doctoral students have completed ALL the "Stages" they are required to enroll in the semester (without Courses) until completion (Maximum 16 Semesters)

Students who do not register during their specified times, they can register later during the drop/add period. Please note there is no other chance after that to register for courses.

Economic Status

Please note that if a student has any financial issues pending (eg registration fee € 40, tuition fees, Housing, Library etc.) the system will not allow him to enroll in courses.

Students who may have a financial problem should arrange it before the start of the registration period.  For questions about any outstanding debts, please contact the University Service and Information Center (Marisa Aloneftis), tel. 25 002710/11 or email:

Technical assistance*

If for any reason you encounter any technical or other problems, please send a related message to by writing clearly:

 1. Full name and no. political or student identity

 2. Department of your Studies

 3. Problem you are facing

 4. Screenshot with the problem where it exists.

 * Requests that do not mention the above information will not be considered.

Recent articles

Course Registration - Spring Semester 2020/21

Course Registration - Spring Semester 2020/21

Announcement - General Teaching Framework for the Spring Semester 2020-21

Announcement - General Teaching Framework for the Spring Semester 2020-21

Online Final Exams Schedule, Fall Semester 2020-21

Online Final Exams Schedule, Fall Semester 2020-21

Online Final Exams Schedule, Fall Semester 2020-21

The schedule for the Fall Semester 2020-21 is ready. Click here.

New students will be able to enroll in courses from Tuesday, September 1st. As part of the information week, we will explain in detail how. Don’t forget to bring a mask. The photo shoot for student ID purposes will take place in the foyer of the amf. Pefkios Georgiadis (not in the building of CUTTING EDGE).

Older students can add and drop courses from September 3 until September 4 (11πμ). Due to the pandemic, those enrolled in each course must finalize their schedule before the start of the courses (until September 6). In every lesson and in every room we must know who they are.

The University has prepared a detailed health protocol (click here), based on the guidelines of the Cypriot state and within the framework of academic operation determined by the Senate. Please take some time and read it. Please note that the state protocols will apply in the University's Cafe, as in other areas such as the Library and the Gym.

The following are some key points:

  • Before entering a building (not just the classroom), wear a mask and do not take it off until you leave. We will give you (next week) a reusable fabric mask, but it is not enough. We use the antiseptics that are available both at the entrance and in the halls. We are careful in the sanitary areas.
  • We approach and leave the classes strictly adhering to the schedule. On time. We do not gather in groups, neither inside the classroom nor in the corridors outside.
  • Seats have been closed off in all rooms / workshops (there are markings) so that the capacity does not exceed 50% of the normal capacity and there is a sufficient distance between each student (one empty seat and / or at least 1 meter distance).
  • We are not sitting where it was defined as a vacancy. We do not transfer chairs from elsewhere. We do not move chairs / seats. We do not enter a room / laboratory where the seats are full (even if we are enrolled in the course). We inform YSFM about the problem.
  • Courses that are defined as blended, means that the audience is divided (to fit in the rooms / workshops). We go to the team that has been assigned to us, on the specified day and time. We do not change groups arbitrarily. Never for any reason (it is critical if tracking is needed).
  • There is an indication in the timetable for the courses that will be offered as blended. With the completion of the registrations and the add/drop procedure of classes, there may be small changes. You will be informed in detail by September 6 and you will know which team you belong to when the courses are blended.
  • Utilize distance learning tools. If we have a problem with a computer at home and / or with the connection, we inform the University and ask for help.
  • The Department and our teachers have worked methodically to adapt the learning process to the new data. Especially in blended lessons. You need your own creative contribution, good faith and cooperation. It is a new experience for everyone, a great challenge.
  • If we do not feel well (we have suspicious clinical symptoms) we do not go to class. We inform and stay home. You won't get absent. There is the possibility of distance learning. We do not abuse this possibility. First you need to look after your health, our health, and those around us.
  • If we belong to a vulnerable group (and/or have any disability) and need special regulation, we contact our Department and the Student Development Center (, 25 002411)
  • We avoid coming to department/service buildings if we can be served by phone or email.
  • There will be cases amongst us. Everyone is a potential case, and we need to take precautions for prevention.  If someone is confirmed a case though, we do not stigmatize those who have been affected. There is a plan when a confirmed case is detected. There is no reason to get worried or upset, until it is officially confirmed.  We remain calm.
  • If we have questions, we ask. But first we read the protocol. All questions (send a message here: and it will be answered quickly.

We can do it.  We are the Cyprus University of Technology.


The period for Course Registration, will start from Tuesday, 1st of September through (SIS), according to the following program.

Undergraduate Students

Tuesday 1/9/2020

Wednesday  2/9/2020

Thursday 3/9/2020

Friday  4/9/2020

3rd or greater Semester




1st - 2nd Semester

x x x


Erasmus Students



Postgraduate Students





Important notes:

  1. Student Load: Students who have started their studies in 2018 and 2019 may, with the agreement and approval of the Academic Advisor, exceed the normal workload up to one extra course until the 6th semester and up to two extra courses after 6th Semester. 
  2. Grade Improvement: A student who wishes to improve his / her grade in a course in which he or she has achieved a grade of 5 or above may repeat it after approval by the teacher by sending a relevant message to  The request will be forwarded to the relevant Officer who will inform the student accordingly of the outcome of his request. 

Explanations for Postgraduate Students (Masters and Doctoral Degrees)

It is understood that Postgraduate students who are in the process of completing their Master’s Thesis and do not complete it, should enroll in their “thesis course” every semester.  (Maximum Duration of Study is 8 Semesters).

It should be noted that PhD students must enroll in the "Research or Writing" phase every semester and submit the "Annual Progress Report" at the end of each spring semester.  In cases where doctoral students have completed ALL the "Stages" they are required to enroll in the semester (without Courses) until completion (Maximum 16 Semesters)

Students who do not register during their specified times, they can register later during the drop/add period. Please note there is no other chance after that to register for courses.

Economic Status

Please note that if a student has any financial issues pending (eg registration fee € 40, tuition fees, Housing, Library etc.) the system will not allow him to enroll in courses.

Students who may have a financial problem should arrange it before the start of the registration period.  For questions about any outstanding debts, please contact the University Service and Information Center (Marisa Aloneftis), tel. 25 002710/11 or email:

Technical assistance*

If for any reason you encounter any technical or other problems, please send a related message to by writing clearly:

 1. Full name and no. political or student identity

 2. Department of your Studies

 3. Problem you are facing

 4. Screenshot with the problem where it exists.

 * Requests that do not mention the above information will not be considered.