Admission for PhD studies, starting September 2021

Νέα-Ανακοινώσεις Σπουδές Φοιτητικά Νέα

The Cyprus University of Technology accepts applications for a limited number of posts at Doctoral level (PhD) that will begin in September 2021 in the specific programs that are posted online.


Click here for all the Doctoral Posts


Deadline for appications: Thursday, 15th of April 2021


Application Process:

The applications, accompanied by all required documents, are submitted electronically, using the online application system of the University’s Student Portal

Applicants can apply for more than one doctoral position. In any case, all applicants must attach a separate document (as an attachment in the field labeled “ORDER OF PREFERENCE FOR DOCTORAL POSITIONS”) noting the order of preference for the field/fields that they are applying for.


Necessary Documentation:

The following documents are required to be submitted, with the applications:

  1. A Copy of a valid Passport or civil ID.
  2. A Copy of a University Degree and a postgraduate degree at Master’s level (where required), or a confirmation letter which states that the candidate is expected to graduate before he/she starts the doctoral program.
  3. Transcript for the Undergraduate and Graduate degree/s. 
  4. A Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)
  5. A short essay (about 500 words) describing the reasons for choosing the postgraduate program, research goals and the interests of the applicant.
  6. Any other certificates and documents, such as samples of relevant academic or professional work (publications, articles, surveys, digital work, etc.)
  7. A document noting the order of preference for the post or posts that the applicant is applying for as posted online at Doctoral Posts (please attach in the field “ORDER OF PREFERENCE FOR DOCTORAL POSITIONS”).


The applicants are asked, as part of their online application, to provide the names of two referees who are in a position to evaluate their academic and/or professional activities. The details of these referees must be entered under the “Related Persons” in the “Personal Data” tab in the Student Portal as part of the application. The Department may contact these people as references. Every department may request applicants to submit further confidential information or chose to set additional specific criteria that have to be met, in order for applicants to be eligible for selection.



PhD tuition fees range from €3200 to €5200 depending on whether or not the program includes courses that have to be attended or not. All relative information can be found here



The Cyprus University of Technology is in a position to grant internal scholarships for postgraduate studies according to its policy for granting Scholarships for postgraduate studies. There are two types of scholarships for PhD students:

  • Social Support Scholarships:

These scholarships are awarded on the basis of socio-economic criteria and take the form of full (100%) or partial (50%) tuition coverage. Applications for Social Support Scholarships are submitted during the autumn semester after a call is announced on the University Website. Students may apply for Social Support Scholarships only during the first or second semester of their studies.

All information regarding Social Support Scholarships can be found here.

  • Academic Excellence Scholarships

This is a new category of Scholarships offered by the Cyprus University of Technology to newly admitted PHD students. Academic Excellence Scholarships aim to attract a high level of PhD students and provide the financial support necessary to enable students to devote themselves exclusively to their PhD studies. Academic Excellence Scholarships are complete, i.e. cover all tuition fees and include an allowance (€1200 per month). Application for Academic Excellence Scholarships are submitted simultaneously with the application for entry to a PhD program by attaching a number of additional relevant documents. The solemn declaration required in order to apply for an Academic Excellence Scholarship (this is one of the additional relevant documents mentioned above) can be found here.

All information regarding Academic Excellence Scholarships, can be found here


Accomodation for new entry international postgraduate students:

The University offers each academic year accomodation for a number up to 20 new entry international postgraduate students in the Apollonia Student Hall. Priority is given to new entry PhD students. For more information and applications click here


Further Information:

For further information students must contact the Student Information Center of Student Services and Academic Welfare at:

Tel: +357 25 002710/11

Fax: +357 25002760


Or visit the website:



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Απόφαση Συγκλήτου για Εαρινό Εξάμηνο 2021-22






The Cyprus University of Technology accepts applications for a limited number of posts at Doctoral level (PhD) that will begin in September 2021 in the specific programs that are posted online.


Click here for all the Doctoral Posts


Deadline for appications: Thursday, 15th of April 2021


Application Process:

The applications, accompanied by all required documents, are submitted electronically, using the online application system of the University’s Student Portal

Applicants can apply for more than one doctoral position. In any case, all applicants must attach a separate document (as an attachment in the field labeled “ORDER OF PREFERENCE FOR DOCTORAL POSITIONS”) noting the order of preference for the field/fields that they are applying for.


Necessary Documentation:

The following documents are required to be submitted, with the applications:

  1. A Copy of a valid Passport or civil ID.
  2. A Copy of a University Degree and a postgraduate degree at Master’s level (where required), or a confirmation letter which states that the candidate is expected to graduate before he/she starts the doctoral program.
  3. Transcript for the Undergraduate and Graduate degree/s. 
  4. A Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)
  5. A short essay (about 500 words) describing the reasons for choosing the postgraduate program, research goals and the interests of the applicant.
  6. Any other certificates and documents, such as samples of relevant academic or professional work (publications, articles, surveys, digital work, etc.)
  7. A document noting the order of preference for the post or posts that the applicant is applying for as posted online at Doctoral Posts (please attach in the field “ORDER OF PREFERENCE FOR DOCTORAL POSITIONS”).


The applicants are asked, as part of their online application, to provide the names of two referees who are in a position to evaluate their academic and/or professional activities. The details of these referees must be entered under the “Related Persons” in the “Personal Data” tab in the Student Portal as part of the application. The Department may contact these people as references. Every department may request applicants to submit further confidential information or chose to set additional specific criteria that have to be met, in order for applicants to be eligible for selection.



PhD tuition fees range from €3200 to €5200 depending on whether or not the program includes courses that have to be attended or not. All relative information can be found here



The Cyprus University of Technology is in a position to grant internal scholarships for postgraduate studies according to its policy for granting Scholarships for postgraduate studies. There are two types of scholarships for PhD students:

  • Social Support Scholarships:

These scholarships are awarded on the basis of socio-economic criteria and take the form of full (100%) or partial (50%) tuition coverage. Applications for Social Support Scholarships are submitted during the autumn semester after a call is announced on the University Website. Students may apply for Social Support Scholarships only during the first or second semester of their studies.

All information regarding Social Support Scholarships can be found here.

  • Academic Excellence Scholarships

This is a new category of Scholarships offered by the Cyprus University of Technology to newly admitted PHD students. Academic Excellence Scholarships aim to attract a high level of PhD students and provide the financial support necessary to enable students to devote themselves exclusively to their PhD studies. Academic Excellence Scholarships are complete, i.e. cover all tuition fees and include an allowance (€1200 per month). Application for Academic Excellence Scholarships are submitted simultaneously with the application for entry to a PhD program by attaching a number of additional relevant documents. The solemn declaration required in order to apply for an Academic Excellence Scholarship (this is one of the additional relevant documents mentioned above) can be found here.

All information regarding Academic Excellence Scholarships, can be found here


Accomodation for new entry international postgraduate students:

The University offers each academic year accomodation for a number up to 20 new entry international postgraduate students in the Apollonia Student Hall. Priority is given to new entry PhD students. For more information and applications click here


Further Information:

For further information students must contact the Student Information Center of Student Services and Academic Welfare at:

Tel: +357 25 002710/11

Fax: +357 25002760


Or visit the website: