ELaRA Autumn Symposium «Post-pandemic pedagogies» 22-23 November 


The European Laboratory For Pedagogical Action Research And Student-Centred Learning (ELaRA), which was set up under EUt +, invites all CUT students and staff to its online Autumn Symposium titled Post-pandemic pedagogies. 

The Symposium, that will take place on 22-23 of November 2021, is addressed to the communities of the eight Universities participating in EUt +.

Please find the agenda here.

For Registrations click here.

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The European Laboratory For Pedagogical Action Research And Student-Centred Learning (ELaRA), which was set up under EUt +, invites all CUT students and staff to its online Autumn Symposium titled Post-pandemic pedagogies. 

The Symposium, that will take place on 22-23 of November 2021, is addressed to the communities of the eight Universities participating in EUt +.

Please find the agenda here.

For Registrations click here.