Final exams automn semester 2021-22 & safepass

Φοιτητικά Νέα Σπουδές

Dear students,

In accordance with the University’s Senate’s decision made on the 24th of August 2021, all final exams for the current fall Semester 2021/22 will be conducted with the physical presence of all students with safepass. The schedule for the final exams can be found on the University’s website here.

For the exams to be conducted smoothly and safely, students are asked to read and comply with the following instructions:

1. Students that have a status of “Distance Learning” on the moodle platform are required to submit a European Digital Covid Certificate (EUDCC) as the result of a negative pcr or rapid test. The submission must be submitted by 7 p.m. on the day prior to the student’s examination. For example, if a student has a final exam on Wednesday, he or she must submit his or her certificate by 7 p.m. on Tuesday.

The submission can be done either by completing the electronic form found here: or by email to

The Service of Academic Affairs and Student Welfare (SSA) will update the moodle platform daily and then proceed to destroy the relevant certificates. Each student’s status will be updated with the date and time until which his or her certificate is valid. The renewal of each student’s certificate is the sole responsibility of the student. The SSA will then renew the student’s status on the moodle platform. Any student will only be permitted to take part in an examination if he or she has timely submitted the necessary certificate which must not expire before the end of the examination (this will be easy to establish via the moodle platform). It is important to point out that only EUDCC will be accepted (pictures of received sms will not for example be accepted).

2. Students that have a status of “Physical Presence” on the moodle platform are not required to submit anything further for them to take part in their final examinations, unless they are in possession of a recovery certificate that expires before the completion of his or her last examination. If this is the case, then the affected students must submit a EUDCC as the result of a negative pcr or rapid test for all examinations they must attend after the expiration of their recovery certificate.

3. All students are asked to have upon their person both their EUDCC (in printed or digital form) and a valid civil or student ID when coming to the University for an examination and must be able to show both to a member of the University Staff when asked.

Important notes:

  • Before any exam commences, the person in charge of the examination will go through the list of students attending the exam to ensure that they all have a valid EUDCC. Any student whose EUDCC is not valid until the time by which the exam will be completed, will not be allowed to take part in the examination. If for any reason a student’s status on the moodle platform is either blank or noted with a date and time that is prior to the date and time by which the exam will be completed, the student will not be permitted to take part in the examination unless he or she is able to present a valid EUDCC which will be checked via the CovScan application. To avoid confusion and loss of valuable time, students are asked to submit valid EUDCC as per the instructions above.
  • The pharmacy situated on 31 Athinon street will be offering rapid tests at a special price for students.
  • Any student that is either found to be positive for Covid-19 or is experiencing Covid-19 symptoms must not proceed to take part in any examinations scheduled from that point onwards. He or she must inform the University ( and will be dealt with in accordance with the rules referring to an incomplete grade. These can be found here:

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Dear students,

In accordance with the University’s Senate’s decision made on the 24th of August 2021, all final exams for the current fall Semester 2021/22 will be conducted with the physical presence of all students with safepass. The schedule for the final exams can be found on the University’s website here.

For the exams to be conducted smoothly and safely, students are asked to read and comply with the following instructions:

1. Students that have a status of “Distance Learning” on the moodle platform are required to submit a European Digital Covid Certificate (EUDCC) as the result of a negative pcr or rapid test. The submission must be submitted by 7 p.m. on the day prior to the student’s examination. For example, if a student has a final exam on Wednesday, he or she must submit his or her certificate by 7 p.m. on Tuesday.

The submission can be done either by completing the electronic form found here: or by email to

The Service of Academic Affairs and Student Welfare (SSA) will update the moodle platform daily and then proceed to destroy the relevant certificates. Each student’s status will be updated with the date and time until which his or her certificate is valid. The renewal of each student’s certificate is the sole responsibility of the student. The SSA will then renew the student’s status on the moodle platform. Any student will only be permitted to take part in an examination if he or she has timely submitted the necessary certificate which must not expire before the end of the examination (this will be easy to establish via the moodle platform). It is important to point out that only EUDCC will be accepted (pictures of received sms will not for example be accepted).

2. Students that have a status of “Physical Presence” on the moodle platform are not required to submit anything further for them to take part in their final examinations, unless they are in possession of a recovery certificate that expires before the completion of his or her last examination. If this is the case, then the affected students must submit a EUDCC as the result of a negative pcr or rapid test for all examinations they must attend after the expiration of their recovery certificate.

3. All students are asked to have upon their person both their EUDCC (in printed or digital form) and a valid civil or student ID when coming to the University for an examination and must be able to show both to a member of the University Staff when asked.

Important notes:

  • Before any exam commences, the person in charge of the examination will go through the list of students attending the exam to ensure that they all have a valid EUDCC. Any student whose EUDCC is not valid until the time by which the exam will be completed, will not be allowed to take part in the examination. If for any reason a student’s status on the moodle platform is either blank or noted with a date and time that is prior to the date and time by which the exam will be completed, the student will not be permitted to take part in the examination unless he or she is able to present a valid EUDCC which will be checked via the CovScan application. To avoid confusion and loss of valuable time, students are asked to submit valid EUDCC as per the instructions above.
  • The pharmacy situated on 31 Athinon street will be offering rapid tests at a special price for students.
  • Any student that is either found to be positive for Covid-19 or is experiencing Covid-19 symptoms must not proceed to take part in any examinations scheduled from that point onwards. He or she must inform the University ( and will be dealt with in accordance with the rules referring to an incomplete grade. These can be found here: