The Cyprus University of Technology has decided to implement targeted measures to help support students from the Ukraine that have been affected by Russia’s military invasion.
Specifically, the following actions have been decided:
1. The University will offer 10 scholarships for undergraduate studies, beginning in September 2022. These scholarships will cover an initial year of intensive Greek language lessons at the University’s Language Center and the whole duration of studies for an undergraduate program. These students will also have the opportunity to be employed within the University, as part of the student employment scheme.
For more information, please contact Antonis Vrasida antonis.vrasida@cut.ac.cy
2. The University will accept applications for transfer of students from Universities in Ukraine to the Cyprus University of Technology. Transfer students will have the opportunity to attend intensive Greek language lessons and coordinate with the receiving academic department to investigate whether the current semester (which was interrupted due to the events) can be completed.
For more information, please contact Antonis Vrasida antonis.vrasida@cut.ac.cy
3. Students mentioned in (1) and (2) will be offered a free meal per day, as part of the wider student support scheme facilitated by the Bishop of Limassol (Christian Orthodox Church of Cyprus)
For more information, please contact Elias Vasiliou elias.vasiliou@cut.ac.cy
4. Utilization of CUT’s membership in the European University of Technology (EUt+) initiative, to help students mentioned in points (1) and (2) to attend courses offered in English.
For more information, please contact Aristodimos Lanitis a.lanitis@cut.ac.cy
5. Affected students from Ukraine will be assisted in getting in contact with other Universities of the Eut+ consortium, that reside in countries closer to Ukraine, and offer an increased number of courses in English. The aim will be to examine the possibility of transferring to one of these Universities if it is desirable.
For more information, please contact Aristodimos Lanitis a.lanitis@cut.ac.cy
6. Refugee students from Ukraine will be allowed to attend intensive Greek language courses at the University’s language center and make use of the University’s counselling and support center.
For more information, please contact Elis Kakoulli Constantinou elis.constantinou@cut.ac.cy
7. Researchers from Ukraine will be given the opportunity of being employed at the Cyprus University of Technology where their academic interests and those of the relevant academic departments are aligned.
For more information, please contact stelios.matsis@cut.ac.cy
8. Full coverage of tuition fees will be offered to 5 PhD students. The supervision process and the dissertation preparation will be facilitated in English.
For more information, please contact Antonis Vrasida antonis.vrasida@cut.ac.cy
9. Positions for teaching assistants and other teaching opportunities for courses taught in English, will be made known to universities and academics in Ukraine. The Ukrainian embassy will also be informed to help with the dissemination of relevant information.
For more information, please contact Stelios Matsis stelios.matsis@cut.ac.cy
10. An effort will be made for common publications and other research activities with academics and students from Ukraine. Relevant invites will be sent to universities and academics in Ukraine.
For more information, please contact any member of academic staff at the Cyprus University of Technology. A list of members of the academic staff can be found here.
11. In coordination with the student union (FETEPAK) an open to all Ukrainian academics and students teleconference will be organized. The aim will be to inform interested parties about the steps taken by the Cyprus University of Technology and to express solidarity with the Ukrainian people.
The date for this event will be announced shortly and a relevant announcement will be posted on the University website.
The actions described above, follow an effort already made over the past couple of weeks (and in coordination with the Office of the Citizen's Commissioner) for gathering of essential humanitarian aid which took place at the University’s premises.