Pass the exams

How is exam week different?

  • There are no lessons
  • The routine has changed
  • You're not with friends at the cafeteria
  • But

Exam schedule

  • Prepare a general schedule. Try to stick to your regular schedule.
  • Avoid late nights and try not to stay up too late. Read in peace and sleep well.
  • Avoid caffeine consumption to a large extent, maintain a healthy diet. Exercise helps.
  • Use your hours when you are most productive
  • Schedule break times. Don't set goals that exceed reality
  • If possible, do not study for two courses with similar topics consecutively. Break them up with something different in the middle (eg Biology, English, Chemistry).
  • Try to avoid the panic of your fellow students so as not to be psychologically affected.
  • Find out where and when the exam will take place
  • Calm down and relax half an hour before the exam

Pass the exams

How is exam week different?

  • There are no lessons
  • The routine has changed
  • You're not with friends at the cafeteria
  • But

Exam schedule

  • Prepare a general schedule. Try to stick to your regular schedule.
  • Avoid late nights and try not to stay up too late. Read in peace and sleep well.
  • Avoid caffeine consumption to a large extent, maintain a healthy diet. Exercise helps.
  • Use your hours when you are most productive
  • Schedule break times. Don't set goals that exceed reality
  • If possible, do not study for two courses with similar topics consecutively. Break them up with something different in the middle (eg Biology, English, Chemistry).
  • Try to avoid the panic of your fellow students so as not to be psychologically affected.
  • Find out where and when the exam will take place
  • Calm down and relax half an hour before the exam