- Right to learn at your own speed and not feel slower than others
- Right to ask for clarification
- Right to need and ask for help
- Right to say you didn't understand something
- A right to feel good about your progress regardless of your abilities
- Right to consider yourself capable of understanding the lesson
- Right to rest and relax
- Right to be treated as a competent and mature adult
- Right to dislike a class
- Right to have your own definition of success
- If I fail this test I will definitely fail the class
- If I fail this test my teachers/friends/family will not appreciate me
- I will feel like a failure if I fail this test
- My fellow students are smarter. No one has a problem. I'm alone.
- If I don't succeed now I won't succeed in any class
- Because many have expectations for me I must succeed
- To feel worthy I have to be smart, capable and successful
- Life is always fair
- If I don't answer the first question correctly I will probably fail
- To write a good paper I need to use grand words and difficult concepts/definitions