The University conducts public information days and distributes printed and electronic materials for the prevention of the use of addictive substances and at the same time organizes development programs for a healthy lifestyle. The goal is to maintain a healthy and safe student community and avoid the many negative effects on health, decision-making ability, psychological state, family and interpersonal relationships, academic performance, etc.
If a student wants to talk to us about possible addiction or frequent substance use, then at the Student Development Center we are here to listen, understand and confidentially, and without any judgment at all, make the appropriate referral with the aim of providing any help.
We work with specialized scientists, professional centers and non-governmental organizations who are able to help.
Substance Use Prevention
The University conducts public information days and distributes printed and electronic materials for the prevention of the use of addictive substances and at the same time organizes development programs for a healthy lifestyle. The goal is to maintain a healthy and safe student community and avoid the many negative effects on health, decision-making ability, psychological state, family and interpersonal relationships, academic performance, etc.
If a student wants to talk to us about possible addiction or frequent substance use, then at the Student Development Center we are here to listen, understand and confidentially, and without any judgment at all, make the appropriate referral with the aim of providing any help.
We work with specialized scientists, professional centers and non-governmental organizations who are able to help.