It is very normal for a person to experience feelings such as melancholy and confusion from time to time. But when these persist for a long period of time, then there may be something more going on.
Below is a reference to typical characteristics of students with emotional and other personal difficulties which can be recognized by professors:
- Excessively low academic performance or sudden change in grades.
- Lack of response to assignments and presentations
- Anxiety and Agony
- Melancholic mood
- Frequent reference to physical pain
- A large number of absences
- Aggressive and disruptive behavior
- Lack of communication
- Crying in the University grounds
- Change in personal hygiene and cleanliness
- Drowsiness during class time
- Attempts to postpone the deadline of assignments or competitions
- Emotional outburst
- Reference to suicide and death
- Lack of communication with reality
- Seek help from the students themselves
- Death in the family or of a loved one
- Difficulties in important relationships
- Changes in the role of the student in the family
- Use of alcohol and addictive substances where identification is possible
- Student attachment/dependence on teachers
- Any issue that worries you and you don't have the time or the means to deal with it