«STM Nordic testbed meets Mediterranean testbed» Visit of researchers from the Cyprus University of Technology at the port of Stavanger in Norway

Within the framework of the European Research Programme «Sea Traffic Management (STM) Validation", a four-member delegation from the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) research team conducted a study visit between the 2nd and 4th of May 2018 at the port of Stavanger  in Norway. Stavanger is the third largest city of Norway and is now considered as the most important center for the oil industry in the Norwegian part of the North Sea. The local Port Authority is quite active within STM and participates in various activities within the project and especially the testbeds involving the implementation of the Port Collaborative Decision Making (PortCDM) System in the Scandinavian ports.

The visit of the Cypriot research team at Stavanger included participation in the Norwegian “Living Lab”, a meeting participated by all the main local stakeholders that are actively involved in the PortCDM testbed, as well as  guided tours of the port facilities. The Cyprus team had the opportunity to study the ways of operation at the port of Stavanger, to exchange views with the Norwegian partners on possible ways of optimizing the current processes and followed practices, and moreover, to present the progress of the respective Limassol port testbed that is being currently implemented under the coordination of the Cyprus University of Technology.

The meeting was attended by three faculty members from the CUT Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics, Paul Christodoulides, Michalis Michaelides and Herodotos Herodotou, as well as one research associate, Neofytos Gerosavvas.

The purpose of the European-funded Sea Traffic Management (STM) Validation project, which started in September 2015 and will be completed in December 2018, is to validate the concept of Sea Traffic Management through the introduction of digital innovation and new technological developments.

The Programme targets the technological upgrade of the procedures applicable to maritime traffic, in a way similar to what is already applied to the aviation sector, namely the provision of real time navigation information (in a standardized and accurate form) to all the involved actors, resulting in the improvement of efficiency and safety, as well as the reduction of relevant environmental impacts. Within the project framework, specific actions are also undertaken by the CUT research team in order to promote and implement the STM philosophy at the ports of the Middle East and beyond, something that is in line with the general policies, objectives and visions of the Republic of Cyprus for establishing collaboration with the Eastern Mediterranean countries.

More than 50 partners from 13 European countries participate in the STM project, as well as other collaborating bodies, services and companies, with the Cyprus University of Technology participating as the only official partner on behalf of Cyprus, in full cooperation with the Ministry of Transport, the Cyprus Port Authority, the Limassol Port, the private companies DP World, Eurogate and P&O Maritime, that are currently operating in the Limassol port, the Department of Merchant Shipping, the Cyprus Shipping Chamber, the Cyprus Shipping Agents Association and Tototheo Group, which has always supported the Cyprus University of Technology in various Research Programs.

Σχετικοί Σύνδεσμοι

Ο καθοριστικός ρόλος που διαδραματίζουν οι νοσηλευτές στους ασθενείς με Καρκίνο

Ο καθοριστικός ρόλος που διαδραματίζουν οι νοσηλευτές στους ασθενείς με Καρκίνο

CUT OUT 2018

CUT OUT 2018

«STM Nordic testbed meets Mediterranean testbed» Visit of researchers from the Cyprus University of Technology at the port of Stavanger in Norway

«STM Nordic testbed meets Mediterranean testbed» Visit of researchers from the Cyprus University of Technology at the port of Stavanger in Norway

«STM Nordic testbed meets Mediterranean testbed» Visit of researchers from the Cyprus University of Technology at the port of Stavanger in Norway

Within the framework of the European Research Programme «Sea Traffic Management (STM) Validation", a four-member delegation from the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) research team conducted a study visit between the 2nd and 4th of May 2018 at the port of Stavanger  in Norway. Stavanger is the third largest city of Norway and is now considered as the most important center for the oil industry in the Norwegian part of the North Sea. The local Port Authority is quite active within STM and participates in various activities within the project and especially the testbeds involving the implementation of the Port Collaborative Decision Making (PortCDM) System in the Scandinavian ports.

The visit of the Cypriot research team at Stavanger included participation in the Norwegian “Living Lab”, a meeting participated by all the main local stakeholders that are actively involved in the PortCDM testbed, as well as  guided tours of the port facilities. The Cyprus team had the opportunity to study the ways of operation at the port of Stavanger, to exchange views with the Norwegian partners on possible ways of optimizing the current processes and followed practices, and moreover, to present the progress of the respective Limassol port testbed that is being currently implemented under the coordination of the Cyprus University of Technology.

The meeting was attended by three faculty members from the CUT Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics, Paul Christodoulides, Michalis Michaelides and Herodotos Herodotou, as well as one research associate, Neofytos Gerosavvas.

The purpose of the European-funded Sea Traffic Management (STM) Validation project, which started in September 2015 and will be completed in December 2018, is to validate the concept of Sea Traffic Management through the introduction of digital innovation and new technological developments.

The Programme targets the technological upgrade of the procedures applicable to maritime traffic, in a way similar to what is already applied to the aviation sector, namely the provision of real time navigation information (in a standardized and accurate form) to all the involved actors, resulting in the improvement of efficiency and safety, as well as the reduction of relevant environmental impacts. Within the project framework, specific actions are also undertaken by the CUT research team in order to promote and implement the STM philosophy at the ports of the Middle East and beyond, something that is in line with the general policies, objectives and visions of the Republic of Cyprus for establishing collaboration with the Eastern Mediterranean countries.

More than 50 partners from 13 European countries participate in the STM project, as well as other collaborating bodies, services and companies, with the Cyprus University of Technology participating as the only official partner on behalf of Cyprus, in full cooperation with the Ministry of Transport, the Cyprus Port Authority, the Limassol Port, the private companies DP World, Eurogate and P&O Maritime, that are currently operating in the Limassol port, the Department of Merchant Shipping, the Cyprus Shipping Chamber, the Cyprus Shipping Agents Association and Tototheo Group, which has always supported the Cyprus University of Technology in various Research Programs.