Dr. Kyriacos Themistocleous is a Senior Researcher at the Cyprus University of Technology. He has a great deal of experience in research and development, as well as having been involved in over 30 European funded projects (including HORIZON 2020, FP7, FP6, LIFE+, ERASMUS+, MED, INTERREG, EUREKA, JPI, etc) as well as national funded projects, including the Research Promotion Foundation. He is the Project Manager of the EXCELSIOR project for the creation of the Centre of Excellence in Earth Observation (H2020). As well, he is the national representative for the Copernicus User Forum, the Copernicus Cultural Heritage Task Force, the Copernicus Relay Network and the Copernicus Academy as well as the expert-representative for ICIP (Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites)
Dr. Kyriacos Themistocleous graduated from the University of Louisiana with a 5 year degree in Bachelor of Architecture, followed by a 2 year Masters of Architecture in Urban Design from the University of Oklahoma. He received his Ph.D from the Cyprus University of Technology. He has completed his post-doctorate in Marine Spatial Planning. His experience and research interest include remote sensing, geomatics, Earth observation, GIS development, architecture, urban planning, life cycle cost, cultural heritage and environmental applications. Currently, he has over 280 publications in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and conference proceedings with over 1,000 citations. He has participated as chairman in several international conferences as well as reviewer and editor for several scientific journals. As well, he is a reviewer for European research projects for the European Commission. He is the Chair of the Organizing Committee of the International Conferences of Remote Sensing and Geo-information.
Dr. Themistocleous is President of the Cyprus Remote Sensing Society, Executive Council member of the Technical Chamber of Cyprus (ETEK) and treasurer of the Cyprus branch of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). He is also a member of the Cyprus Architect Association, American Institute of Architects (AIA), the National Council of Architecture Registration Board (NCARB), the Architecture Honors Society and the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE). He is a licensed architect in Cyprus and the United States as well as a Qualified Expert on the Energy Performance of Buildings for the Energy Service of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism in Cyprus. He participated in the special committee of the Minister of Transport, Communications and Works, Cyprus for Space, in relation with the European Space Agency.