Dr. Kyriacos Neocleous obtained his BEng degree (1st Class Honours) in Civil and Structural Engineering (1996) and PhD in StructuralâConcrete Engineering (2000) from the University of Sheffield (United Kingdom); and he is a member of the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber (ΕΤΕΚ). Dr. Neocleous was a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Sheffield where he participated and co-managed various research projects in the “Concrete Structures” sector. At Cyprus University of Technology, he holds the position of Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics, where he participates in the EXCELSIOR H2020 Teaming Phase 2 Project. Dr.
[...]Neocleous has peer-reviewed several journal papers and participated in the evaluation of research proposals submitted under EPSRC (UK), H2020, FP7 and FP6.
The research interests of Dr. Neocleous include Construction sustainability, life cycle assessment and costing, circular economy and industrial symbiosis, reinforced concrete engineering, durability of construction materials, rigid pavements, probabilistic structural reliability, design philosophy, energy performance of buildings.