Education: Rodanthi-Elisavet Mamouri is Physicist holding M.Sc. in Environmental Physics and PhD in “Atmospheric Remote Sensing” from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece.
Short Profile:
Rodanthi-Elisavet Mamouri is a Research Scientist at the Atmospheric Physics and Remote Sensing Laboratory in the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics in the Cyprus University of Technology (DCEG-CUT). She joined the Remote Sensing Group of DCEG-CUT (now, ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence) as a research fellow. She graduated from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with a B.A. in Physics and a M.Sc. Environmental Physics with distinction. She holds a PhD in “Remote sensing of the atmosphere using lidar techniques and satellite sensors” from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Physics Faculty.
After her PhD, she was as Post-Doctoral researcher at the Institute for Space Applications and Remote Sensing (ISARS) of National Observatory of Athens (NOA) and the Laboratory of Laser Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere at the Physics Department of NTUA.
She is member of the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) and European Research Infrastructure for the observation of Aerosol, Clouds, and Trace gases (ACTRIS) and responsible for the CUT-TEPAK lidar station.
For her scientific work titled "New ways of using polarization lidars: fine and coarse-particle separation and cloud-based aerosol analysis", she was awarded the Inaba Prize, an international recognition in the field of Atmospheric Remote Sensing by the Working Group of the International Coordination Group for Laser Atmospheric Studies (ICLAS).
In parallel to her research activities, she is involved at the Curriculum of Universities and Technical Institutes (BSc½MSc) teaching and giving lectures in the field of Physics, Environmental Studies and Remote Sensing Techniques.
She has 43 publications at scientific journals (h-index=25, 1382 citations by others), 22 at conference proceedings and more than 100 oral/poster presentations at international conferences.
Research Interests:
R-E Mamouri has long experience in research projects (>25) of National and European level (RIF, FP7, H2020) and in international and national experimental field campaigns, related to the remote sensing technique applications, to the satellite CAL/VAL activities, air pollution monitoring, aerosol-cloud interaction and atmospheric dynamics, extreme atmospheric events, dust storms, aerosol characterization and air pollution in urban and build environment. She has strong collaboration with international leading Institutes, participating in common international field campaigns (e.g. CyCARE, SALTRACE, BACCHUS, CHARMEX, A-LIFE, COVID-19 ACTRIS), and writing numerous of scientific articles and proposals to attract EU and National funds. She is contacting research using active and passive remote sensing techniques both from ground-based sites and satellite sensors. Her main scientific interest is on the field of the study of mineral dust properties, its climatic role and its impact on cloud and precipitation formation and solar radiation.
Currently, she is working on the development of new remote sensing based methodologies and models using multiplatform datasets for the retrieval of aerosol-cloud related parameters and their impact in climate and in precipitation levels.