The main research fields Dr. Herodotou is currently working on are:
As a strong supporter of applied research, he focuses on innovating and solving technically challenging problems in the areas of information management, infrastructure for large-scale cloud database systems, reducing the total cost of ownership of information management systems, enabling flexible ways to query, browse and organize rich data sets containing both structured and unstructured data, and the automated management of database and data processing systems.
Publications List:
Google Scholar:
US Patent 9,367,601 B2. Cost-Based Optimization of Configuration Parameters and Cluster Sizing for Hadoop. June 2016.
US Provisional Patent DU4146PROV. Systems and Methods for Cost-Based Optimization for MapReduce Workflows. March 2013.
Ongoing Research Projects:
Completed Research Projects:
Funding Sources:
Service and Invited Talks:
CEI 325 - Database Systems
The course gives a solid background in databases with a focus on relational database management systems. Topics include data modeling, database design theory and methodology, data definition and manipulation languages, storage and indexing techniques, query processing and optimization, transactions, concurrency control, and recovery. The course also covers fundamentals of database management system architecture and techniques for database application development.
CEI 467/526 - Advanced Topics in Data Processing Systems
The need to store and process massive amounts of data has led to the evolution of existing database systems while a new breed of data processing systems has emerged. This course covers a spectrum of topics from core techniques in relational data management to highly-scalable data processing using parallel database systems and MapReduce. First, the course covers the basic principles in database query processing and optimization, including index structures, sort and join processing, query rewrites, and physical plan selection. Next, the course covers topics from parallel and distributed databases, including data partitioning and distributed join algorithms. Finally, the course covers scalable data processing systems such as MapReduce and NoSQL databases (column, document, and key-value stores). The course material will be drawn from textbooks as well as recent research literature. Prerequisite background: Basic database knowledge.
CEI 226 - Algorithms and Complexity
The course focuses on the design and analysis of efficient algorithms and their complexity. In particular, the course covers various topics including algorithm analysis, asymptotic analysis, recurrence relations, divide-and-conquer algorithms, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, graph representation, graph search, minimum spanning trees, shortest paths, maximum flow, NP-Completeness, and approximation algorithms. Prerequisite background: Data Structures.