- “PEDESTRIAN: First-Person Image Analysis for Developing Pedestrian Assistive Technologies”, CYENS Centre of Excellence (Internal funded Project)
Role: Coordinator (2022-2023)
- “RISE: Research Centre in Interactive media, Smart systems and Emerging technologies” H2020 Teaming Phase 2, Grand Agreement 739578 complemented by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus through the Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and Development
Role: Research Associate (2018- now)
- “MaRITeC-X: Marine and Maritime Research Innovation and Technology Centre of Excellence”, H2020 Teaming Phase 1, Grand Agreement 763815
Role: Researcher & Project Manager (2017-2018)
- “SIMDAS: Upgrade of CaSToRC into a Center of Excellence in Simulation and Data Science”, H2020 Teaming Phase 1, Grand Agreement 763558
Role: Researcher & Project Manager (2017-2018)
- “ENCASE: Enhancing Security and Privacy in the Social Web: a User-centered Approach for the Protection of Minors”, H2020 Marie Curie RISE, Grand Agreement 691025
Role: Project Manager & Supervisor of Secondees on behalf of SignalGeneriX Ltd (2016-2018)
- “FUPLEX: Full-duplex Radio for LTE Communication Systems”, National fund, Protocol No ΔΙΑΚΡΑΤΙΚΕΣ/ΚΥ-ΙΣΡ/0114/02
Role: Researcher & Project Manager (2015-2017)
- “MariaBox: MARINE environmental in situ Assessment and monitoring tool BOX”, FP7-OCEAN-2013, Grant Agreement 614088
Role: Researcher & Project Manager (2014-2018)
- “ICT COST Action IC1206: De-identification for Privacy Protection in Multimedia Content”
Role: Member of the Management Committee, Representative of Cyprus (2013-2017)
- “TISAMUC: Techniques for Intelligent Search and Access of Multimedia Content”, CRPF, under Grant ΠΕΝΕΚ/0609/95.
Role: Principal Investigator (2010-2014)
- “PORPARDET: Portable Particle Detection Device”, FP7-SME-2007-1, Grant Agreement 222590
Role: Researcher (2009-2010)
- “WideMEDnet: A Mediterranean network for Higher and Continuing Medical Education Resources”, INTERREG III ARCHIMED / 027867
Role: Researcher (2009)
- “POLY-BIO: Multimodal Biometric Security System”, CRPF, under Grant ΠΛΗΡΟ/0506/04
Role: Researcher (2007-2008)
- “PSIFIORIKSI: Digitization of AudioVisual Content and Extraction, Mining and Management of Multimedia Metadata based on MPEG standards”, CRPF, under Grant ΠΛΗΡΟ 0406/07
Role: Researcher (2007-2008)
- “Biopattern: Computational Intelligence for Biopattern Analysis in Support of eHealthcare”, Network of Excellence Project No. 508803
Role: Researcher (2005-2006)