George Manganaris is currently Professor in the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology & Food Science at Cyprus University of Technology. He entered the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Division of Agricultural Sciences in 1993 and followed a 5-year bachelor degree. He continued his post-graduate studies in the same University. In particular, he completed an MSc degree in the field of ‘Genetic Improvement and Plant Physiology’ in 2001 and awarded his PhD degree in 2004.
He was appointed as contract Assistant Professor in the Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki (Department of Crop Production) and in the Technological Educational Institution of West Macedonia (Department of Marketing and Qualitative Control of Rural Products). During his studies, he was a recipient of two competitive fellowships given by the State Scholarship Foundation of Greece. He was also granted a fund by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki for entering the Master of Science Program and an award of excellence for post-doctoral research.
In July 2006 he was offered an appointment as post-doc employee from the University of California at Davis (Department of Plant Sciences). From February 2007, after receiving a Marie Curie Individual Intra European fellowship (EIF fellowships), he was employed by the University of Padova (Division of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Environmental Agronomy & Crop Science). From 2009, he is Academic Staff at Cyprus University of Technology, initially as Lecturer (2009-2013), then as Assistant Professor (2014-2018) and from March 2019 onwards as Associate Professor.
He is responsible of the CUT Fruit Sciences/Postharvest Group, which is currently comprised of three PhD students, three MSc students and a significant number of undergraduate students. His main scientific interests include the quality evaluation/phytochemical profile of horticultural products (fleshy fruits and grapes) with the employment of physiological, biochemical and molecular approaches, the elucidation of fruit ripening syndrome with emphasis in the development of physiological disorders and overall the postharvest maintenance of fresh produce. Additionally, he is involved in projects and/or synergies dealing with the application of preharvest treatments and/or novel technologies for maintaining quality of horticultural crops and their responsiveness to abiotic conditions. He is Council Member of the International Society for Horticultural Science and is board member of European Fruit Research Institute Network. He is additionally member of the Management Committee member of EU COST Actions CA17111 (Data integration to maximise the power of omics for grapevine improvement) and CA18210 (Oxygen sensing a novel mean for biology and technology of fruit quality).
To date, Dr. Manganaris is the author of 53scientific papers (20 as senior author) in peer-reviewed journals (>2300 citations, h-index=24). Data from his work have also been presented in review papers (4), book chapters (11) and full texts in Conference proceedings (10). He is the Editor of the Proceedings of the V International Postharvest Unlimited Symposium, (Acta Horticulturae 1079) and the III International Horticulture in Europe Symposium (Acta Horticulturae 1242).
Dr. Manganaris is Associate Editor/Editorial board member in the Scientia Horticultuare, Postharvest Biology and Technology, BMC Plant Biology, Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology while he has handled over 490 reviews as ad hoc reviewer in >100 refereed journals. He was appointed by the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education to participate in the External Evaluation and Certification process of four Departments and an equal number of study programs. He has been assigned to evaluate competitive research proposals for EU (Horizon, Eurostars, Innowide) and from different countries (France, Belgium, Poland, Chile, Greece, Serbia, Slovenia). He has also acted as examiner of MSc thesis/PhD dissertations (Italy, United Kingdom, Greece, Australia).