He is currently a special teaching staff at the Department of Agricultural science, Biotechnology and Food science of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT). He received his B.Sc. in Plant Protection from the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece, an M.Sc. in Horticulture from the University of Reading, U.K, an MSc in Geographical information Systems and Geospatial technologies from CUT and a PhD in Plant Pathology – Nematology from CUT. From 2008 until 2021, he was working as a Special Scientist and a Research Fellow at CUT and he is an active member of Agricultural Microbiology Lab and the Geodesy Lab.
[...]During the period 2016-2021 he work as a teaching staff at the European University Cyprus. During his career, he performed research in several areas of Agricultural Nematology (PENEK), Plant Pathology (Life Green Grapes), AgroEcology (CASCADE, Black to the Future, Carbonica and GOOD) and Agronomy (AGROINNOECO, , SWSOIP), and Cost action projects (Sustainable Control of grapevine trunk diseases and Genomic BIodiversity Knowledge for Resilient Ecosystems). At present, his is working on the Carbonica Project: ‘Carbon initiative for climate-resilient agriculture’ and the GOOD project: “Agroecology for weeds” His scientific interests focus on the study of plant parasitic nematodes, biotic and abiotic plant diseases and their monitoring using remote sensing applications with the use of Multispectral UAVs. He published articles in scientific journals, book chapters and proceedings of international conferences. Dr Christoforou is a member the European Society of Nematologist (ESN), the Association of Applied Biologist (AAB), the Hellenic Phytopathological Society (HPS) and the Cyprus Association of Agronomists.