Department of Chemical Engineering
As a Special Scientist, he has taught the courses «Mathematics II» (MEM 102) covering Multivariate Calculus (Spring 2017) and «Numerical Methods in Engineering» (MEM 329, Fall 2017 and 2018) at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, and the courses «Dispersion Models» (EST 401, Fall 2018), «Mass Transfer» (CEN 207, Spring 2018), and «Applied Thermodynamics ΙΙ» (CEN 305, Spring 2018) at DEST, all at CUT. As an Assistant Professor at DCE he is teaching the courses «Mass Transfer» (CEN 207), «Heat Transfer» (CEN 308), «Unit Operations Ι» (CEN 209), και « Unit Operations ΙΙ» (CEN 327).
Dr. Stephanou has published 24 papers in high-caliber international refereed journals (until August 2019), and 15 papers in conference proceedings where he participated for presentation of his research. He has received more than 350 citations and his h-index is equal to 11 (until August 2019, based on Scopus database).
A major theme of the research work of the T2PL is the development of reliable constitutive models for describing the dynamics and flow behavior of complex fluids. To this end, we rely on the use of non-equilibrium thermodynamics (NET), in particular the Generalized Bracket and GENERIC formalisms, for developing closed-form balance equations for the fundamental hydrodynamic fields. No matter what the system is (say biological or chemical), it must obey the laws of thermodynamics. In particular, when the system is beyond equilibrium (e.g., under the influence of a flow field), its time evolution must be dictated by the laws of non-equilibrium thermodynamics (NET). This is exactly the reason for employing NET in our work: by construction the new constitutive models obey the laws of NET. In our models, the underlying microstructure of the complex fluid is described by using structural variables, such as the conformation tensor for polymer chains (describing their average conformation), which are hydrodynamically coupled with the imposed flow field. The relation between microstructure (structural variables) and macroscopic observables (viscometric functions) takes eventually the form of a stress tensor equation. So far, we have developed generalized constitutive models for polymer melts, polymer solutions, polymer nanocomposites, drilling fluids and biological fluids (e.g. blood).
His postdoctoral career has been almost exclusively funded by external funding:
He is currently participating at a COST Action entitled European Topology Interdisciplinary Action (EUTOPIA) studying the properties of entangled polymeric systems.