- Every student upon accepting the position he signs an Agreement which regulates his obligations towards the payment of the tuition fees.
- The deposit is not returned in cases where the student withdraws from the University or he fails to register in any modules.
- In cases where a postgraduate student withdraws from a programme of studies right up to the 4th week of the first semester, he is allowed a refund of the instalment which he submitted for registration for the first semester (but not the deposit). In case of any withdrawal at a later stage, the paid tuition fees are not refunded.
- The University has the right not to allow/ or even to cancel the registration of a student, if the student has not submitted the due registration payment for the modules/semester – which payment is due before the registration in the modules.
- If a student has not fully paid the due tuition fees on the due payment deadline of his graduation year, then he has no right to participate in the Graduation Ceremony and receive his degree.