CYENS ( is the Centre of Excellence in Cyprus focusing on Interactive Media. It was established in 2018. CYENS has a seed funding of ~50M euros and was established after the successful applications in the 2-phases H2020-TEAMING scheme (Phase 1: 2014-2015 & Phase 2: 2017-2024).
The Cyprus University of Technology is a shareholder in the CYENS Centre of Excellence and a partner in the H2020-TEAMING-RISE project. The following Academics of the Department of Multimedia and Graphics Arts (MGA) are founding members of the centre:
Associate Professor Despina Michael-Grigoriou
Associate Professor Andri Ioannou
Associate Professor Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert
Professor Andreas Lanitis,
Professor Panagiotis Zaphiris
Within the CYENS Centre of Excellence:
Professor Andreas Lanitis leads the Visual Sciences research pillar and the Biometrics for Smart Human-centred Emerging Technologies research group.
Associate Professor Andri Ioannou leads the Interactive Media and Education/Edutainment research group.
Associate Professor Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert leads the Museum Lab research group that belongs both to CYENS and the Cyprus University of Technology.
Professor Panagiotis Zaphiris leads the Human Computer Interaction research group.
The abovementioned research groups of the CYENS Centre of Excellence work closely with the research labs of Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, led by the same academics, respectively:
Visual Media Computing Research Lab
Cyprus Interaction Lab (CIL)