Student Development Center - Support and Services

Συμβουλευτική Φοιτητική Ζωή Νέα-Ανακοινώσεις Φοιτητικά Νέα Σπουδές

The Student Development Center of the Academic Affairs and Student Welfare Services announces that students who have a serious medical issue or learning difficulties, can contact the Centre for a support program which accomadates their needs.  Students need to contact the center by Monday, September 17, 2018.

Students who suspect they might have indications/symptoms of learning difficulties can arrange a meeting for pre-symptomatic testing and evaluation.

To arrange a visit please contact the following telephone:  25 002380 and email address

The Student Development Center has a page on facebook. Please like the page so you can be informed about our various programs, study hall hours and booking, groups and various activities. The facebook page is- CUT Student Development Center

Σχετικοί Σύνδεσμοι

Course Registration Announcement, Spring Semester 2018-19

Course Registration Announcement, Spring Semester 2018-19

Statement of interest for tutorials (paid)

Statement of interest for tutorials (paid)

Placements available for occassional attendance students, Spring Semester 2018-19

Placements available for occassional attendance students, Spring Semester 2018-19

Placements available for occassional attendance students, Spring Semester 2018-19

The Student Development Center of the Academic Affairs and Student Welfare Services announces that students who have a serious medical issue or learning difficulties, can contact the Centre for a support program which accomadates their needs.  Students need to contact the center by Monday, September 17, 2018.

Students who suspect they might have indications/symptoms of learning difficulties can arrange a meeting for pre-symptomatic testing and evaluation.

To arrange a visit please contact the following telephone:  25 002380 and email address

The Student Development Center has a page on facebook. Please like the page so you can be informed about our various programs, study hall hours and booking, groups and various activities. The facebook page is- CUT Student Development Center