Web Designer

Avocadots design studios is seeking for a passionate and skilled Web Designer to join their vibrant team.

Key Responsibilities:

A. Develop fresh websites: Develop high-end websites working from the client brief using WIX and sometimes Shopify. Ensure deadlines are met and be ready to handle multiple projects at once.

B. User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design: Develop and refine the UX/UI of websites to ensure they are user-friendly, intuitive, and visually appealing.

C. Understanding Client Goals: Align the design strategy with the client's vision and goals, ensure that the resulting website not only meets aesthetic expectations but also effectively serves its intended purpose, contributing to the client's success.

D. Collaboration with Branding Department: Work closely with our branding designer to craft high-end websites. This involves translating brand vision and requirements into functional, aesthetically pleasing web designs.

Secondary Responsibilities:

F. Feedback Implementation: Implement feedback from stakeholders, including clients, team members, and end-users, to continuously improve the website designs.

G. Trend Awareness: Maintain an up-to-date understanding of the latest trends in Design and Web Design. This includes adapting designs to stay ahead in a dynamic digital landscape, ensuring that our websites are always at the cutting edge.

H. E-Commerce: Utilize Shopify to create engaging, user-friendly online shops. This includes understanding the nuances of e-commerce design to enhance user experience and drive sales.

I. Technical Support and Maintenance: Provide ongoing technical support and perform regular maintenance checks to ensure the websites function smoothly and stay updated with the latest technologies.


1. UI/UX Expertise: It is important to showcase your knowledge on UI/UX elements through a strong portfolio.

2. Design Thinking: Skilled in transforming ideas into tangible prototypes, smoothly navigating iterative cycles, and refining solutions with user feedback.

3. Experience with Content Management Systems (CMS): While not mandatory, previous experience with popular CMS platforms (such as Wix) will be highly advantageous.

4. Aesthetic Sensibilitty: Strong design eye, proficient in color theory, typography, and meticulous attention to detail for precise design execution.

5. Proficient in Adobe Creative Cloud, Figma, or other prototyping tools for crafting engaging designs and mockups.

6. Team Collaboration: Strong communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively with other team members, including designers, content creators, and project managers, are critical for success in this role.

More info:Web Designer Position | avocadots