Ενοποιημένη Πρόσβαση (SSO)

Εnterprise Single Sign-On is the service that provides to users the functionality to access different and independent software systems using only one password. With E-SSO a user logs in once and gains access to all the systems that are provided by E-SSO without being prompted to log in again at each of them.

Some of the benefits of using E-SSO are:

  • Users do not need to remember so many passwords to log in to different systems or applications.
  • Reduces phishing success, because users are no longer need to enter password everywhere without thinking.
  • Reducing password fatigue from different user name and password combinations
  • Reducing time spent re-entering passwords for the same identity
  • Reducing IT costs due to lower number of IT help desk calls about passwords
  • Security on all levels of entry/exit/access to systems without the inconvenience of re-prompting users

Ενοποιημένη Πρόσβαση (SSO)

Εnterprise Single Sign-On is the service that provides to users the functionality to access different and independent software systems using only one password. With E-SSO a user logs in once and gains access to all the systems that are provided by E-SSO without being prompted to log in again at each of them.

Some of the benefits of using E-SSO are:

  • Users do not need to remember so many passwords to log in to different systems or applications.
  • Reduces phishing success, because users are no longer need to enter password everywhere without thinking.
  • Reducing password fatigue from different user name and password combinations
  • Reducing time spent re-entering passwords for the same identity
  • Reducing IT costs due to lower number of IT help desk calls about passwords
  • Security on all levels of entry/exit/access to systems without the inconvenience of re-prompting users