European Energy and Environmental Policy at a Crossroads
Coordinator: Theodoros Zachariadis
ODYSSEE-MURE 2010 – Monitoring of EU and national energy efficiency targets
Coordinator: Theodoros Zachariadis
Sustainable Management of Biotic and Abiotic Parameters in Hydroponic Cultures
Coordinator: Costas N. Costa
Development and Application of Integrated Coastal Management Plans in Rodos and Cyprus
Coordinator: Costas N. Costa
Coordinator: Costas N. Costa
From Treated Wastewater to Alternative Water Resources in Semi-Arid Regions
Coordinator: Costas N. Costa
Prevention and Combating of Marine Pollution in Ports and Marinas
Coordinator: Costas N. Costa
Risk Assessment Analysis on Offshore Platforms in South East Mediterranean Area,(RAOP-MED)
Coordinator: Costas N. Costa
Sustainable management of livestock waste for the removal/recovery of nutrients
Coordinator: Costas N. Costa