Unmasking. Experimental Sonic Practices.- MediSouP Online Concert


The newly formed MediSouP Community, a community in-development by researchers and artists, with an interest in the soundscapes of the Mediterranean areas and their political and cultural extensions and significations, is organizing “Unmasking. Experimental Sonic Practices” concert. 

This is the very first of the MS Concerts series, to be held virtually at this link, on Thursday, March 11th starting at 14:00 GMT.

Many countries have been experiencing severe lockdowns and curfews relational to the COVID-19 pandemic that have affected the local, private and public soundscape and the sonic spatial politics of their respective natural or urban environments, creating a new obscured ecology or agency in the mapping of sonic space and materiality. Some places sound quieter and less active, and certain people have had no difficulty to adapt to the new reality, while others find it unnerving: empty streets, closed stores, regular mask-wearing and adhering to social distancing can suggest an uncanny reality and perception of space. Human and non-human interaction has changed, filtered through a mask, muffling dialogue and obscuring faces, which is making it harder to recognise people who were once so familiar.

From a critical conceptual perspective, this strange, temporary era seems to form intensive affective and vibrant dynamics regarding subjective interpretations of our ever-changing world. How do we feel during this period of such uncertainty? What is our relationship with society in these circumstances? How is our physical and sonic space now transformed, transgressed materially, and under what kind of affected conditions?  And what does the present, or future now sound like?

Elaborating on the above, and after a blind selection process by an international curatorial team, 31 selected participants re-imagined the sound that they envision in this new on-going reality with audio works which ranged from acousmatic compositions to soundscape recordings and from spoken word to experimental noise works.

Powered by: Cyprus University of Technology, Aura.lab, Mad Lab, Syrphe.com & ISSTA.

The concert will be kindly broadcasted in parallel by EastEast radio and We’re All Bats platform.

Please see Concert Program, and visit medisoup.cut.ac.cy for Concert Notes, at the day of the concert.

  • Further details about the concert will be available very soon on MediSouP's websitefacebook & twitter page.

Headphones on. 

Happy (and safe) listening.

the MediSouP team.

Σχετικοί Σύνδεσμοι

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Animated short film titled “Whatever” by Andreas Koumidis finalist in international short film festival

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Σειρά  διαδικτυακών ενημερώσεων για όλα όσα αφορούν τη φοίτηση στo ΤΕΠΑΚ

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To προφίλ υγείας του κυπριακού πληθυσμού, ανέλυσε ο Δρ Κωνσταντίνος Μακρής στο πλαίσιο της εκδήλωσης EU4HEALTH

To προφίλ υγείας του κυπριακού πληθυσμού, ανέλυσε ο Δρ Κωνσταντίνος Μακρής στο πλαίσιο της εκδήλωσης EU4HEALTH

The newly formed MediSouP Community, a community in-development by researchers and artists, with an interest in the soundscapes of the Mediterranean areas and their political and cultural extensions and significations, is organizing “Unmasking. Experimental Sonic Practices” concert. 

This is the very first of the MS Concerts series, to be held virtually at this link, on Thursday, March 11th starting at 14:00 GMT.

Many countries have been experiencing severe lockdowns and curfews relational to the COVID-19 pandemic that have affected the local, private and public soundscape and the sonic spatial politics of their respective natural or urban environments, creating a new obscured ecology or agency in the mapping of sonic space and materiality. Some places sound quieter and less active, and certain people have had no difficulty to adapt to the new reality, while others find it unnerving: empty streets, closed stores, regular mask-wearing and adhering to social distancing can suggest an uncanny reality and perception of space. Human and non-human interaction has changed, filtered through a mask, muffling dialogue and obscuring faces, which is making it harder to recognise people who were once so familiar.

From a critical conceptual perspective, this strange, temporary era seems to form intensive affective and vibrant dynamics regarding subjective interpretations of our ever-changing world. How do we feel during this period of such uncertainty? What is our relationship with society in these circumstances? How is our physical and sonic space now transformed, transgressed materially, and under what kind of affected conditions?  And what does the present, or future now sound like?

Elaborating on the above, and after a blind selection process by an international curatorial team, 31 selected participants re-imagined the sound that they envision in this new on-going reality with audio works which ranged from acousmatic compositions to soundscape recordings and from spoken word to experimental noise works.

Powered by: Cyprus University of Technology, Aura.lab, Mad Lab, Syrphe.com & ISSTA.

The concert will be kindly broadcasted in parallel by EastEast radio and We’re All Bats platform.

Please see Concert Program, and visit medisoup.cut.ac.cy for Concert Notes, at the day of the concert.

  • Further details about the concert will be available very soon on MediSouP's websitefacebook & twitter page.

Headphones on. 

Happy (and safe) listening.

the MediSouP team.