Computer engineering and informatics are among the most modern and advancing engineering disciplines. They integrate electronics with computer science, create reliable data networks and secure databases and translate ideas into faster, more capable and smaller computers. Computer engineers design, develop, and control computer systems including processors, circuits, memory devices, networks, etc. In addition, they develop software and operating systems, computing and multimedia applications, data and network security mechanisms, etc..
The BSc in Computer Engineering and Informatics degree is a four-year program and includes compulsory fundamental courses and advanced specialization courses, English language courses for academic purposes and elective courses from other departments of the University.
It combines strong theoretical scientific knowledge with excellent training in computer system design, analysis and evaluation. It focuses on higher mathematics, physics, programming, databases, signals, bioinformatics, networks and communications, artificial intelligence and computer architecture. During the 4th year of studies, students prepare an individual diploma thesis under the supervision of the Department's academic staff.
The graduates of the program are eligible to register as members of the Technical Chamber of Cyprus (ETEK) enjoying all the professional rights of the Engineer.