Mechanical engineering is today the broadest branch of engineering science as it is directly related to the design and manufacture of all engine tools and systems, from small-scale sensors to giant aviation and machine tool systems. Transubstantiating an idea into a tangible product that meets specific needs is a demanding process, at the heart of which there is a competent and trained mechanical engineer.
The undergraduate programme is a four-year course and includes compulsory infrastructure and advanced specialization modules, English language modules for academic purposes, and elective and deepening into modules in mechanical engineering and science and materials engineering. The curriculum combines strong theoretical scientific knowledge with the ability to develop integrated engineering design beginning with the proper composition of materials and concluding at the final stage of product production.
The curriculum provides a strong foundation for the basic principles of science and engineering being offered in the first two years. During the last two years of study, the curriculum offers an additional deepening into the basic principles of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering as well as emerging fields of Mechanical Engineering. Specifically, students are invited to choose technical modules that fall within the fields of: (a) Energy Systems, (b) Engineering and Dynamic Systems and (c) Materials Science and Engineering.
The curriculum has been recognized by the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber (ETEK), which is the official Body of Cyprus that provides professional recognition to Engineers. All graduates of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering are professionally recognized as Mechanical Engineers.