The Language Centre (LC) of the Cyprus University of Technology has been operating since 2007 – it offers students, staff and the broader public an opportunity to learn a foreign language. The Contemporary methodological approaches used in combination with the new digital technologies available provide the possibility of learning foreign languages within a complete educational framework.
Language Centre Specialisations
- Language Learning for Specific Purposes
- Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
- Teacher Training in Language Learning for Specific Purposes and CALL
The vision of the language Centre is
- To continuously develop as an internationally recognized Language Centre with emphasis on innovation and linguistic diversity.
- To promote multilingualism and interculturalism in local, European and global multicultural society.
- Tο offer knowledge and linguistic competence within the academic community.
- To link Higher Education with demands of the modern labour market and business world.
- To bridge the language gap between people and to promote intercultural communication.
- To lead our students to achieve measurable progress in communicative competence by providing an interactive and stimulating learning environment based on the use of theoretically sound methodologies, creative instructional practices, technology-enhanced resources and setting goals aligned with students linguistic, cultural and academic growth.
- To constantly develop, adapt and expand language programmes to enable people to meet ever-changing communication and cultural challenges.
- To deliver the best possible culturally based second language education and training supported by the use of new technologies in order to foster high overall academic achievement in the choice of tertiary education options.
- To develop the required knowledge and skills in students needed to be productive and contributing citizens in a culturally diverse, global economy.
- To create a sense of internationalisation and inter-culturalism sense among students so as to realize the full potential that these notions can provide in the communication process. Being able to understand the language and culture of others is the surest to better understanding, cooperation and successful partnerships. This cooperation can be achieved at all levels and in all environments: social, academic or the business world.
As a Language Centre, our mission is based on three main axes:
Expression - Communication - Understanding the world.
More specifically:
- High quality education and learning in the context of modern methods and strategies.
- The development of communication skills of people across borders and cultures.
- Language learning based on the needs of students and the ever changing demands in the competitive job market.
The LC Aims
- To acquaint students with the specific language of their science.
- To support students in their acquisition of language skills in order to understand and produce scientific texts and be able to respond to oral and written communication situations which fall within their specific scientific field of study.
- To properly prepare students to adapt to the global multicultural environment.
- To promote the teaching of foreign languages as an integral and necessary part of the education of all students.
- To promote intercultural communication.
- To give direct access to high quality educational programmes.
Unique points
- Communicative approach to language learning. The emphasis is on facilitating student communication for their personal and professional needs.
- Organised and flexible curriculum.
- Individual programme based on specific circumstances and needs of students.
- Exploiting the capabilities of modern technology for learning, teaching and communication.
- Οngoing communication (synchronous and asynchronous) and monitoring for better learning outcomes.
- Promoting cooperation within and outside the learning process.
- Preparation for further language development.
- Creating an inviting learning environment with opportunities for interaction and group activities.